Infinity / 21,000,000
Is really * / 2.1 quadrillion
And on Lightning it is * / 2.1 Quintilian
As long as there are decimal points there is never a need for printing extra money. I know that Europe has used the comma in place of the decimal point but that's because it is supposed to confuse the math of common men (wo~men). Seriously the decimal point was an extension of the invention of zero.
Let's say I go into the store with 10 sats of spendable lightning in the future. That's 10,000 mSats. The cheapest item in the store is 30 mSats. I can do a transaction of minimum 2 mSats because there is a fee and a spend. I purchase 9000 mSats which is about 90 $USD in today's market. As money gets tight prices will go down and less sats will buy more. To the point that certain items are incentives to shop like free gas, cheap gas or cookies for the kids. Etc.