In the last 30 days, ~Bitcoin earned 540k sats in revenue, and ~meta earned 125k sats. The rest can't make enough in revenue to cover their monthly dues of 100k sats/month.
In weighing whether @DesertDave should keep ~alter_native, I've also weighed whether @grayruby, @Coinsreporter and I should co-found ~AITA.
@Malachi17 said he'll definitely zap the posts!
@jeff and ~econ definitely have trouble getting enough revenue to cover their dues. @Undisciplined is already subsidizing the territory w/ 25k sats/mo per this post #637435
But like @grayruby said #735607
Sure. I will invest in you @realBitcoinDog.
So are we starting an "Am I the A-hole" territory to make revenue, or really, to invest in ourselves? And what does that say about us xD
Who wants to join the seed round of funding? While I'll be the founder, it'll be easy to split the sats earned each day in revenue to the founders, maybe through bolt 12 or something, and i can split revenue of my posts in AITA too!
429 sats \ 2 replies \ @HODLR 23 Oct
~Lightning is the third territory just breaking 100k this month.
Thank you to all participants for joining the conversation, in particular: @Rsync25 @Scoresby @supratic @mega_dreamer @Alby @root_lib @fewsats @aljaz @_ds @03bc2a54dc @pycan @0xbitcoiner @Filiprogrammer and many more 🙏
There are already enough territories unless you come up with a very different one from others.
An [AITA] would be a subset of AskSN. Cuz I wouldn’t subscribe to ~AskSN it’s too broad, but I’d subscribe to a very narrow ~AITA territory to see all of its posts.
And to encourage more of that content!
So you basically mean to copy another territory.
Why do t you just copy ~Bitcoin then? IMO, that would be the game changer.
I've a suggestion though. Create a territory with the name shitcoins and make fun of them inside it. I see a lot of funny things coming out from that space too.
Haha oh no I’d have to post everything as @anon!
Guess I'll have to start zapping @Public_N_M_E for music harder.
Please do, I am hemorrhaging cash floating the territory. 🤣🤣
In all seriousness, it's V4V zap whatever you feel is appropriate and proportional to the value you feel you're getting.
@TheWildHustle is getting value!!
Wilds providing value aswell with all his great stuff.
Yes he is!
yes 😈
I'm just not in favour of founding a territory for fun. When @DesertDave launched ~alter_native, my first impression was like 'oh, this is nothing new' but the way he introduced with posts and info for it made me more interested towards it.
What I would love to see that I/we can found a territory which is distinguished and would be intended for long run. I don't have a very concrete idea to launch a territory for now but when I'll have, I aim to do it for a lifetime, maybe starting with a year subscription model to later on convert it into a lifetime.
So, I was saying we must be serious to think about a plan and execution of a territory because it involves real economy/money.
As of now, I don't think any of the territories have made any sort profits but revenue must've increased after the shift in Sybil fee.
Got it ok sounds like you’re out for now! Haha
I agree it shouldn’t be rushed into haphazardly
No, I'm not instead I'm all in.
I just want we first discuss what we envision with the territory.
Let’s discuss. We’ll do it on a podcast with @grayruby? 👀
I thought you were going to make an indian territory?
Why? There's no need and I've always opposed to create a country or language specific territory.
It was @BitcoinAbhi who wanted one to accomodate Hindi speaking people.
Whether or not ~Bitcoin or ~meta really make money is hard to decipher, because it's kind of a shell game for @k00b. He's the payer and payee of those territory fees, as well as the primary zapper of those posts (I think).
What are you really saying? There’s no hope for any territory founder to directly make back their 100k in sats thru revenue?
We only make it back as an advertising platform to sell our books, merch, or consulting services beyond the site?
Not saying there aren’t altruistic reasons too!
We've known this was highly unlikely until Stacker News grows significantly. That any territories are breaking even is great, as is others being close.
You can also factor in how much you make back in activity on the territory: i.e. my ~econ posts get zapped, as do @grayruby's sports posts. We need the territories to exist for that.
Most territory owners are doing out of humanitarian reasons though. They want to build a place for bitcoiners to have these communities.
Right yes you found the territory to find a home for posts you want to make, ultimately!
I've given some thought to founding ~undisciplined, but it would have a huge overlap problem like ~alter_native, including an overlap problem with ~alter_natvie.
33 sats \ 11 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
I hardly zap in ~meta. I generally don't want ~meta stuff on the front page.
~bitcoin on the other hand would be interesting to figure out. I zap ~bitcoin like a mother zaps her first born (assuming it's on topic and some muppet shouldn't have posted in a more relevant and cheaper territory). I guess we'll need spending breakdowns by territories at some point.
Ha! I guess it's just the rest of us who love ~meta and keep it represented on the front page.
I LOVE ~meta
I find the idea of SN fascinating now that I’m here. Especially the transparency
You're not alone in being fascinated by SN. If you look at my top posts, most of them are in ~meta.
And now you know it’s not the founder @k00b zapping them! 🤣
I suspect he is zapping them, just not as much as the field is zapping them.
37 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
I zap them especially when they are good (not "I got a cowboy hat!"), but I kind of cringe when any of the top 5 stories are ~meta.
I have the feeling if you dedicated the time and effort to just post in your territory, and convinced others to post in your territory, it would become profitable eventually. I dont know the timeline for eventually is. @DesertDave how is everything going since you raised the fees?
It's going great. It's not "profitable" yet, but I am looking at it long term. I have noticed a good increase in rewards with the fee change. I think 44 sats is good for now. I want to keep it very accessible.
Thats good. Have you decided to keep it?
Yes. I was always going to keep a territory but I was debating on changing it a bit. I have paid for a year and I am planing to get it paid off for lifetime in the next year. Then I never have to think about profitablity. Just stack sats
This ^
I like 44
I don't pay attention to what it makes. I just enjoy it for what it is. I am mining from the sun so that is my main way of staking.
Bitcoin is a force of nature!
Zap the posts, don't tip the posts over, zap the posts...
Should you just lower the territory fees?
Well we don’t want spam of too many territories and it’s a direct source of revenue for SN and it gets the founders to try to get more users.
Would @grayruby have recruited me if he wasn’t the founder of ~Stacker_Sports?
Yeah I get the spam thing but even at a lower monthly fee until the user base grows then increase. Spam territories will die either way if the support and posts aren’t there?
This is correct! Hey I’m fine with it territory fees undergoing a halving to 50k/mo!
And as the profits and community grows increase them
A progressive tax system, if you will! 🤣
I think you are getting it wrong: k00b is paying more sats than he made with bitcoin territory or with the entire SN. I don't think k00b made SN with the main goal "to make money". Yes at certain moment must be a balance between spending and earning, otherwise economically is not feasible.
But I really do not think k00b and his founders want this SN to get rich. Bitcoin territory is more to keep something for SN and also as a main revenue to cover the loses. On the other side, he offer to others the opportunity to create their own territories and manage how they want.
I agree.
I’m sure the Hive Mind VC wants SN to increase in valuation from $25M, but yes you’re right the goal is to make a happy fly wheel of user growth from great content, like you posting your journey!
Just almost 1 year ago I warned stackers about this situation: #342479
Darth is always right. Remember that.
There it is!
Does anyone know if the "stacked" also includes founders posts costs? Or if that comes under "spent".
Thanks 👊
These numbers cant be right. Bitcoin has done 540k sats in revenue in the last month but only 603k sats for the whole year?
Good to see ~Stacker_Sports is only 0.4mil shy of breaking even. GR doing great work over there.
Indeed! @grayruby was how I got referred to SN. So I could lose money to him in his pools 🤣
You’re right it’s as if all data for ~Bitcoin didn’t start until 9/19. Why would that be @k00b?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 23 Oct
All my territory revenue went to rewards before then
Wow so ~Bitcoin really is the top territory BY FAR!
I mean makes sense, @DarthCoin is there almost exclusively, but still!
@koob is a hardworking pioneer and deserves the earnings as for us we need to figure out a way to earn more. Transparency is one thing but dragging meta and their namby pamby figures is just injustice.
Better content LETS GO 🫡
I think the following, maintaining a territory month to month is something complicated, at least from my perspective, the pressure of paying month to month, or the pressure of generating something above the quota to pay generates a strong extra pressure. Here I consider that the most viable option is to pay the territory for life, and only focus on recovering the SATS invested in acquiring that territory.
If you're thinking long term, the only way it makes sense is the 3 million sats.
The 100k a month is suicide. At the very least, you have to do a full year, generate some revenue, then combine that revenue/zaps that with your own stack before the end of the year to buy the other 2 years.
That's the best way to minimize risk and overhead while still being able to get the territory for life.
Thank you for explaining, I understand that there is only one way and it has to be to make a single payment and just focus on working to recover until you get to the point where you get some profitability! The path to follow is with a long-term view, always!!
Low time preference 🫡
Also that 3 million sats gets a lot more expensive as time goes on!!
Also that 3 million sats gets a lot more expensive as time goes on!!
I don't think sats are going to get cheaper in the future which is why I am trying to found a lot of the more generic territories for life so we can ALWAYS post in them.
Thank you!
U got 0.03 Bitcoin ready for the cause? 🤠
Not yet, but I'm heading there! I already have 0.00001 and I'm stacking more to eventually found my own territory, and it will be something that will blow up SN! Rest assured ✌️🤠 If you want to contribute to reaching that goal faster you're welcome.
Hey 10,000 sats is enough to partner with @grayruby, @Coinsreporter, and me!
That's not 10k, look again.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 23 Oct
Thanks @realBitcoinDog for the offer, but I'm not interested in becoming a partner in projects unrelated to my cause... Good luck and much success on your journey!! I will continue, slowly! But surely on my own 💪🤠 and I hope one day to have the necessary amount to found that territory I have in mind to make the SN community explode.
I’ll be watching 👀
What’s the difference between revenue and stacked in the picture?
Revenue : Sats that goes to the founder's wallet Stacked : Sum of incoming zaps to comments & posts within that territory Spent : Sum of outgoing zaps from zappers within that territory Post & comment : Sum of posts or comments within that territory
CMIIW @k00b
10 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 23 Oct
Did @k00b lose his horse?!
How does spent get measured tho? How do u know zappers from within the territory? Is that zaps from OP?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 23 Oct
It’s what’s spent in the territory - posts, comments, and zaps on those things
19.6k for ~science. Seems fair. Slowly but steadily going up.
Getting closer. Used to only bring in around 20-30k revenue the first few months.
U got a lot of pools going!
I'm scooping up the nostr territory if it falls off the table.
Good luck. That one is owned by k00b.
May he keep it forever!
Maybe worth bargaining over.
That should be a good one for sure.