Thanks for the heads up, it's something I keep in mind, nowadays that I'm learning how to be more conscious about online privacy, I'm already implementing the use of tools like Proton-mail or Tuta-mail for email, and for messaging, using Whatsapp or Telegram less and less every day. Now I use applications like simpleX or BRIAR for my personal messaging with my wife, mother and some colleagues who are making the learning journey just like me. I hope to soon pay for the "Threema" code at least for my mother, my wife and me. But in this case we're talking about the use of Telegram only as a tool that helps us use LNP2PBOT which is a great tool for P2P trading of
I agree, this bot is a great tool for P2P trading even if Telegram has so many issues. Robosats might be a better option but in some markets LnP2PBot has a thicker order book.
I think the same, although in my opinion each one is used for a certain level in Robosats for example I have seen minimum orders from $50 onwards, and in my case I have never seen orders in my Fiat currency, I have only been able to trade there with cryptos (USDT-XMR) for On the contrary in Lnp2pbot I do find supply and demand, for my local currency the and in smaller amounts from $1 onwards, and believe me on this side of the world it is super important to be able to trade in low amounts, here the spending and saving capacity is much lower than in the US or Europe. And regarding the dubious privacy of Telegram, the developers of Lnp2pbot are also developing Showed a more private solution on the Nostr protocol 🟣 But still under construction and with a lower trading volume than the bot on telegram.
Happy to hear they're developing a more private solution on Nostr. Looking forward to it!