I've wanted to post here a lot of course, but since I'm preparing to go full on out there with videos on even the weirdest things it just takes time to kinda arrange all my thoughts and stuff the right way...
Soooo since this is ~alter_native I'll write this about one of the really weird experiences I had once!
I've always "seen" things, be it premonitions, spontaneous remote viewing, telepathic things or whatever, its like an overlay on top of the ordinary, conscious things like thinking, doing automated things like driving, or whatever.
This happened once when I stayed in the top floor of a basically abandoned building. Together with a friend at my university I had access to a couple of small rooms on the attic, where some servant or janitor must have lived previously.
She had rented that for nothing from the owner, who ran a business machine shop on the ground floor, this was the early eighties so that was still a thing!
Now there were lots of peculiar things with that building, previously we had a similar deal with a flat there, or maybe someone just had a key haha! Either way we used that for partying, burning pallets in the oven to keep warm.
Almost everyone who ever joined us noticed the same thing: there was something about that flat, something real good... We later had an older couple join us by chance, they told us that a couple who lived there years ago actually also had a lot of really positive parties, or rather social events going on.
Anyway, this happened one early evening I think, when I was up there all alone. It was before I got into Buddhism and meditation, but I guess I still was accessing some relaxed state, probably kinda daydreaming and thinking of stuff.
What happened next is that I "saw" some alien looking creature slowly drift up towards the room from below, at an oblique angle, then passing up trough the roof. Just like that, in a straight line, but not following the natural angles of our world at all...
It had some strange mask-like thing where the mouth is for most biped species, other than that there were no remarkable features.
And yes, it was an "overlay" of sorts, what you could imagine a ghost might look like, but it clearly had no connection to the place I was staying nor me, it was just passing by...
Now, although I can have a very vivid and totally unpredictable imagination this is something I both turn on only when I want, and also it is something radically different from "seeing things". Whenever I use my creative side its firmly within myself, there has never been any doubt about that at all, and it has a totally different "feel" to it.
So, did I see an inter-dimensional alien? What do you think?
We are usually successful at filtering these things out of our conscious reality. They are interesting distractions. I don't think they are harmful.
Yep, that is the thing! I've always had an almost problematic memory, things in general just never gets deleted... So especially the last years I've gone through all sorts of experiences like this one for a revisit, it has been a lot hehe...
Sometimes they can be very useful too!
I don't see why not. I feel like when I was a young boy I used to see beings often. I didn't know whether it was like a ghost or et but It felt very really to me. It was terrifying for me then. I haven't witnessed anything like that more recently.
when I was a young boy I used to see beings often
When we are young, we haven't developed the mental filters to block our comprehension of these things. They can be scary to children, so why not block them out?
For sure. I feel like I was a very sensitive child. I saw and felt a lot of things that I didn't know how to deal with. And when I was about 10, I kind of shifted. All that stuff went away. And it was about 25 years before I felt safe enough to start opening up again.
when I was about 10, I kind of shifted.
I was 15 when I decided to live in "the real world".
it was about 25 years before I felt safe enough to start opening up again
It took me 40 years.
It's good to hear from others that relate.