What do you think the best way to save is? Many people have many ideas on saving, what is yours?
Other cryptocurrencies 0.0%
Creating your own business0.0%
Create something that makes Royalties0.0%
Money markets0.0%
31 votes \ poll ended
Real estate has made me the most money then my superannuation then bitcoin but that’s because I’ve been doing the first two the longest
Yes, we all didn’t all buy bitcoin when it was at a fraction of a cent. I remember first hearing about it when $10 would buy a whole lot of Bitcoin. But bitcoin could not buy much at all. Pizzas costed multiple bitcoin.
Correct but it’s fast catching up even tho I started on it much later
I noticed that, too, but I still see too many hazards involved to put all my eggs in one basket.
"Creating your own business" is not savings, it's work.
Yes, it is work, but you are also creating value for the future of your venture.
Yes, but that's not "savings". You can also create value by just being employed.
The earnings for the entrepreneur is profit. You get to keep the profit you generate from your efficiently meeting the demands of consumers. Being employed by someone else earns you only wages. BTW, capital earns interest and land earns rents. When you reinvest profits in your company, you are doing it to expand the company and earn more profits, thus saving them in the form of the company value.
It is a very good argument.
I selected Bitcoin but Land would have been my second option if Bitcoin wasn't on the list.
I want land for it's real-world utility and not primarily as a store of value.
Hopefully when bitcoin takes over, we will stop storing wealth in property. But I agree. Land is a great investment
What would be happening to you if you were in Cuba right now? Can you wrap your head around that one?
I have no idea. I don't know anything about Cuba or anything for that matter.
DesertDave, hmmm….. I was once stuck in the desert for about 3 years. Along with rain, there was a dearth of information.
I was born and raised here in the Sonoran desert.. of course now I don't live in a city but instead I am isolated surrounded by miles and miles of beautiful desert. I absolutely love it. What kind of desert were you stuck in?
I was in the Mohave desert in California between Death Valley and San Barnadino. I kind of liked it but was not free to leave it.
That's wild. How did you get stuck there? That is some intense desert.
It's a great place for transformation. The veil is thin in the desert.
Especially the inner veil.
Yes, It all depends on what you want as an objective.
Bitcoin is how I am saving to buy land. Once I buy land, I will continue to use bitcoin as the best store of value in history.
The land might also lose value at a rate slower than fiat but it's still a depreciating asset in relation to bitcoin.
The whole merry-go-round stops when a lot of the speculation stops. If states make bitcoin illegal and CBDC the only legal crypto, it is the end of bitcoin as an appreciating asset
I doubt it. They can't make it illegal everywhere.
Making bitcoin illegal will only drive its use underground and into black and grey markets as people flee those no-bitcoin zones and into ones that allow it to flourish.
No, it might not be illegal everywhere, but if they make it illegal where you are you are SOL! Again, left holding the bag by the government. What if, at the same time, they make cash illegal and CBDC the only acceptable currency along with the programmable bits (like no traveling further than 15 minutes from home)? It seems all of those situations are on the WEF/UN menu right now.
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @Taft 20 Oct
You ask Bitcoiners, "What do you think the best way to save is?" and expect an answer other than Bitcoin? 🤔🤔
Sometimes, I think of Bitcoin as an instrumentality rather than a goal. I think that people are using it more as an instrument to get what they want. This is real “money”. Saving for saving’s sake is a circular sort of reasoning. Therefore I ask what is the best way to save. I expect that the person who said “Land” has land as an objective as well as an instrument. People can save Bitcoin to put into land for future value.
If you put this way, I think you are right. I also think there are people who use Bitcoin as an instrument. I don’t know if it is good or bad, but it is a fact.
This poll already has a clear winner.
Why don’t we wait for more results to see what people have to say.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 20 Oct
Who chose land? Explain yourself.
lol sorry mate I picked land as it was how I’ve currently saved the most value but I have misread the assignment.
In the current environment real estate is a great way to save money but bitcoin is better I’d imagine if I bought bitcoin when I first got into realestate I’d be Oprah rich in fiat terms
You might be working on the differences between saving, investing, speculating and gambling.
@k00b, I published another article about the FBI crypto scam. You might like to read it. More reasons for Bitcoin.
Land 😂 where? New York City?
I wouldn’t buy land in New York City to save my a**. I think they are going to have a lot of tough times for the coming few years. Also a population recede.
You know where you are right? Of course we all think bitcoin is the best.
Yeah, I was kind of confused about means and ends!
Bitcoin is the only asset that will be and continue to be the best way to save.