None other than HG Wells
The first Man in the Moon
Wells is super Old School. Unfortunately, he was a Fabian in all of his viewpoints.
Free markets don't always provide the best outcomes.
Since when was that? You are saying command control economies have better results, no? Can you show one command control economy that has even made it over the long run? Free markets (black markets) have existed forever, even in so-called command control economies!
Chinas economy has grown faster than any comparable. Yes a government that has the interests of the wider economy can theoretically promote and stimulate the economy- this is proven without any doubt through history for example in post Mao China- the growth of the Chinese economy is a result of strategic development of infrastructure and controlled allowance of competition and private ownership. Without centralised management and development markets will crash, cartels and monopolies will form, price fixing market rigging will occur...this was pointed out by Adam Smith but I guess you have not read his full works...
OK, if you say so.
Ok, as you can't refute it.
No, OK, because it is not worth even trying to refute it. In China, it was the Dengist movement that did the heavy economic lifting.
Yes Deng opened China up to trade and exchange with the world- that was a huge driving factor in the astounding growth of the Chinese economy- but the planned progression of the opening and internal reconfiguration, allowing managed competition and huge investment in infrastructure and diplomacy were also very important and led by the CCP politburo.