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Let's hear some of your latest Bitcoin purchases, feel free to include links to the shops or merchants you bought from too.
If you missed our last thread, here are some of the items stackers recently spent their sats on.
this territory is moderated
Paid for food and drinks Friday evening at bar near where I live. Onboarded them to accept Lightning payments recently.
very cool!
The best story ever, LOL! so you have orange pilled them for your own personal interest, eh!
I'm not a buyer with Bitcoin because there are hardly any merchants here who accept Bitcoin.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 20 Oct 2024
A SN territory!
It's called: based
check it out
Ah, great! could have been ~based_AF
The shipping for The Bushido of Bitcoin https://geyser.fund/project/bushidoofbitcoin
Aha same
Svetski shoot again. Good one!
Orange pilling and showing others how to use lightning if that counts!
It definitely counts! What's your strategy and tools to succeed?
Speed Wallet seems to be a good starter. It’s custodial and super easy to use and set up. How about you?
Bought a Proton visionary plan for the year. Well worth it! I really like proton and i did it mostly to get access to proton wallet. Still have invites available if any stackers want one.
thank you!
I’ll try one!
I'll need your email sir! Post it here or email me at: 028559d218@proton.me
I'll send you an invite
sending now


For all stackers! If you went to a merchants and paid with Bitcoin and also you had somebody else taking a video of the moment, please send me the link to the video (nostr / twatter / whatever) and I would like to add this list of examples in real life, paying with bitcoin. https://darth-coin.github.io/merchants/bitcoin-lightning-payments-irl-en.html
You can send me also the raw video and I could add it online, or you can just use https://nostr.build for short videos. Add some details about the shop if you like.
Let's show the world that we are living using Bitcoin!
no need to see your face, we are focusing only in the payment method in real shops, brick & mortar.
That's a great idea. Do you have already a repository available? Will be nice to know which wallet/POS have been used in both merchant and customer side.
I mean a repository for all the collected videos
Renewed my mullvad subscription with LN !!!
There's a mullvad IP for everyone! Great choise ;)
I bought a tap signer card, and sent some sats thru lightsats.com to orange pill someone.
It's a great way to orange pill newbies! How did it go? Succeeded?
Yes, sort of. I called him and told him to got to coinos.io which I really like for its simplicity and browser based function. It's now my go to. However, it's not intuitive to receive from an invoice. He had the QR code which he copied from Lightsats, but he couldn't just paste it into the receive field on coinos. So he ended up downloading Breeze, and I sent him more sats to his username. The bigger picture is that he's very interested in Bitcoin as money, and also as tech.
I think for some people you go backwards, start with the layer 2 and show the tech with NOSTR and Stacker.news etc, and then give them some references for understanding the principles of money.
I bought this! It was also part of the Geyserfund. All you need is an old Game Boy console.
I did check it and had no opportunity to try it yet! I guess the sats there aren't real ones... it would be great if they maybe integrate ecash that can be redeemed also offline.
Ivpn. I really really liked the fact that I could pay with bitcoin lightning. not just on-chain. Big up to them for that.
Still need to test this. Thanks for the reminder
Glad to have that side-effect I recently bought a second hand Pixel 7 and installed grapheneOS on it. I think Ivpn came preinstalled but in any case i paid with lightning. On-chain btc and Monero were also among the options if I recall correctly.
buying a pixel with btc would be awesome. where are you able to do that again, if you don't mind me asking?
There's @shopinbit that does just that #673616
Thanks. Reading about them now. It would seem they cater mostly to the EU. Cheers
I used a website that aggregates second hand offers that is used in my region. If you search engine "second hand website [your country or region]" you may find similar websites.
Interesting thank you. Although being a security-focused device, I'm not sure I would go second-hand in that case
New though definitely!
California pizza kitchen gift cards.
And minted nuts 🌰
Is that pizzeria ending up with sats or with fiat? Because if you bought just some other fiat cards, it doesn't count, you were going back to fiat and that merchant is never onboarded into Bitcoin.
gift cards are shitcoins.