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Mr Heng is passionate about teaching. It is stressful. He has to shout at students continuously, but he never gives up. His students gradually improve their English. Their improvement is commendable. Mr Heng finds his job rewarding and meaningful.
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do the students understand and appreciate the progress they have made?
Generally nope. It took me many lessons for them to remember that passionate = deeply interested, haha
Yes, there are many ways to get the student’s attention. Yelling is much easier on the body that the bokuto! Or even a swift slap upside the head! An occasional shout at the younger students seems to be adequate when their attention wanders. I’ve had kindergarten students fall asleep, in their chairs, after lunch, and almost fall over before I could catch them! Yeppers, a shout is a good thing every now and then.
And other times, I switch off the fans lol
Wow!!! In the hot times and the rainy season that would be devastating!! It would certainly catch their attention, but then they would be fooling around with their handkerchiefs. That is almost as bad for attention.
Is your family name heng?
My wife refuses to take my surname because Heng means へん strange in Japanese lol
Yes, that is what I thought at first. Strange family name lol
All names are strange to someone who does not speak the Language. I have found that almost all names have a specific meaning in EVERY language I have been exposed to. I notice that your name could be said as sugar sky.