My country friend say only city people keep animals in the house, we keep them outside.
Our new dog lived the first year of her life outdoors. She's slowly learning house manners. These two have been couch potatoes their whole lives.
Once upon a time, we started feeding A cat and providing outside shelter. SHE had kittens, but we didnโ€™t have the heart to break up the family. Before we knew it, we had 18 cats. Children of children of children and such. The landlady gave us an ultimatum and we took them to a pet shop after a huge battle and shredded hands. Not a one remained, but I think the pet shop made some money on the cute little kitties.
The neighborhood feral cats all seem to live in our backyard, probably because we have a small pond and bird feeders. I don't know how you corralled those cats. We can't get within 5 feet of them.
Well, I still have the scars on my hands. We had been feeding and handling the ones that were fairly stationary. The kids did, too. They werenโ€™t absolutely feral, but not far from it. Actually, I trapped them with bait (food). After we had them the battle started.
Our dog is pretty good about not going on the beds but she owns the couch.
I have cats. The bed in the master room has a nice sized bed and I notice that the cats have divided it up into zones. They rotate around the zones but there are zones there, nonetheless. Sometimes there are even conflicts over who gets what zone.
Below is the general rule: "The best place in the house is theirs." ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ
That is so right!!! But you forgot, every place in the house is theirs! You donโ€™t dare shoo them off, either.
Hehe, I know, I know. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™
The best I can ever do is to pick up the cat and move it to another favorite place. One catโ€™s favorite place is MY chair, where do all my sitting. There is nothing I can do but pick her up and move her to her other favorite spot on a bed. She just does NOT like that!
They are the bosses! There is nothing to do.๐Ÿ˜ธ
Oh, yes there is!!! You can brush their fur and scritch their ears! After all, they have their humans.
Pets are part of the family, so they are entitled like all the rest to stay on the couch. Sometimes, I even move my wife from the couch to make more space for my cats ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
We notice that there are favorite places for each individual. If you move their favorite sleeping spot, they get antsy about it. If you change the dressing of the spot, they take their time to make it into the image they like. I notices that our cats like paper. They like to crunch around on it and sleep on it. When we offer nice soft blankets and insulation, they go for the paper. Yeah, they love the cardboard boxes, too.
EXACTLY! It drives me crazy with their sleeping spots. And they are even fighting each other to keep their spot.
What bothers me most is when they immobilize my legs at night. I donโ€™t like kicking them or moving them off because they get ornery with each other, then.