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Related: #407495 (lots of interesting comments there, mostly on the benefits of stopping coffee).
Here I'd like to inquire about your personal experiences of getting back to coffee after stopping it. My main motivation is that (i) I was not too sensitive to coffee to begin with, so it never really affected the quality of my sleep and (ii) my metabolism seems to have slowed down.
Of course, the latter is hard to quantify objectively, but my stool is much less frequent in time as well as in volume, and, while I used to lose weight easily when eating/drinking less, now under similar conditions, I can't seem to lose weight. This observation agrees roughly with the time I stopped drinking. Of course, there could be other factors at play.
As to the former, I wake up much more frequently at night than I used to when I was still drinking coffee. I maybe need a little bit less sleep to feel rested, so that's the one benefit I might be throwing away by picking up coffee again.
Supposed benefits according to science of drinking coffee are not to be discarded too (reduced Type 2 Diabetes, better liver health, heart health, cancer and stroke reductions, improved gut health, reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, etc)
So, what are the benefits of drinking coffee for you? Do they outweigh the disadvantages? Can you convince me not to drink that cup of coffee I'm about to pour myself?
Pay attention to your title, that's the one and only impression you get in the feed, man. Sharpen it up, come on, be your best. I'm seeing (1) "the" when you mean "to" and (2) using "about" twice to be imprecise with time. Just be precise, we'll enjoy reading it more. Like this: "Having my first cup of coffee", present tense, active.
Thanks for the comment. I'll sharpen it up for future posts.
I definitely should have caught (1). (2) I can probably improve on with practice ;)
Must be difficult avoiding coffee in Korea
Oh yes for sure. Coffee is everywhere here. It's even quite common to go to a coffee shop at night and have some more caffeine before hitting the sack.
I didn't drink coffee regularly for a long time. I'm sold on it being fairly healthy and my sleep is fine as long as I only drink in the morning.
I have no compelling argument against picking it back up, since you never had a problem with it.
Your zap seems to have come with a horse. I presume. I'm still not completely sure I fully understand the thresholds for these.
EDIT: Ha, and a revolver too. Are the thresholds based on one-time zaps or do zaps add up...
How can I give you a horse that I don't have? Be rational.
I, at time, too, am \sqrt{2}.
Is mugicha popular in Korea?
Don't think so... it's mostly blogs about Japan showing up when typing 무기차
interesting that you wake up more often at night w/o coffee, giving that coffee/caffeine is supposed to disrupt your sleep (quality and quantity)
Yeah it's more like correlation. Not sure there is causation here.
I drink coffee every day. I’ve learned to enjoy the taste. Especially a nice fruity pour over
Love a long black