The gold chart shows the slow and accelerating death of the euro. They won't tell you, but governments and central banks, even in the eurozone, are holding massive amounts of gold. They will use it to drop their last anchor while the population is forced to lose their purchasing power in the dying junk currency, confused by the media narrative. At a certain point, the news will spread that states are printing money and thus destroying the purchasing power of their citizens in order to secure this lifeboat for themselves. But there are other ways to escape the state intervention trap and creeping socialism...
In a few days, the big conference of the BRICS states will start in Kazan. The world will then see the unveiling of their currency plans, which are likely to imply a gold standard.

but I haven't any zap on my items.autowithdraw
instead ofp2p
. It's not working again.p2p
, but it has to be working properly, otherwise it discourages me from using it.