While talking briefly about the price carousel #727073, I mentioned an SN item number would be cool. Then I got to thinking, what else could be added, and if there's enough good suggestions, maybe it should just become customizable with a long press.
Here's just a little mock up of what that might look like and some options it might have.
I'd definitely flip on SN item number. I'm not sure top daily stackers would even work, but I threw it on there. P2P sats, as in Non-Cowboy Credits, that you've sent and received, also not sure if that would work.
Can you think of any? Or should just SN item number be added?
Personally, I'd like to see something like a personal daily balance (sats received - spent). I'd probably stop checking the leader board if I could put that at the top.
75 sats \ 2 replies \ @grayruby 4h
Checking the leaderboard is good. Eventually that should be ad space for SN. “Today’s rewards pool is brought to you by xyz.” Then SN doesn’t have to donate 100k sats to the reward pool daily.
I agree 💯
That's partly underway with the top boosted post showing up there.
33 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 5h
I also wouldnt mind a balance. A chart where you could pull up on your own, and just click amd drag to the time.
239 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 6h
number of stackers online (accounts connected). anons doesn't count. top daily is not necessary, you already can consult it in the general "Top" section.
Ooo that’s a good one.
What about
'Daily posts count'
"Daily comments count"
? ?
Yes, those are great ones! I'd enable those.
63 sats \ 2 replies \ @Akg10s33 6h
The long press would be a good option.. I agree! And I think just adding the item number is fine!
Yeah, I think there’s plenty of stackers that would turn off some of the price conversions if they could.
That's true..!👍🙂
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 5h
That looks really nice!