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Social Media Privacy Ranking 2024

Key insights

  • Our researchers found that Reddit, with a score of 8.9, represented the lowest privacy risk, followed by Snapchat (9.99) and Pinterest (10.49).
  • Facebook, with a score of 18.98, Facebook Messenger (16.51), and Instagram (15.84), were found to present the greatest risk to users’ privacy.
  • Instagram and Facebook were found to have the most problematic data collection and retention practices.
  • Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, YouTube, and Discord keep users’ data the longest after a successful account deletion request.
  • LinkedIn and X (Twitter) publicly display the most user data with the strictest “visibility” settings selected.
  • Facebook had the highest number of GDPR, CCPA, and similar regulatory violations, while LinkedIn suffered the greatest number of data breaches and mass data scrapes.
This is a list of Social 'THIEF' Media.
Rightly said.
Funny list! Are they private anyhow?
No, they are not private but they will promise you.
Some more, some less, but at the end of the day we have no privacy!!!!
Yes, all of these are crap.
lol reddit being the most private kind of shows how far privacy has fallen. They don't even let folks use a VPN.
People who use any of them are blind, deaf and dumb on privacy.
And where is SN on that list? 🤔 How private is SN?? 🤠🥷 @k00b
I can think of a few apps they missed.
These are top 10 by them. We can make our own list. Please tell yours and I'll tell you mine.
I only use stacker news and amethyst.
I only use Stacker news and I'll be on nostr very soon but I've oaid homage to all of them in last 6 months.
Nice. That's interesting. I assumed everyone on stacker came from nostr first. I don't know why I thought that.
Thanks to SN otherwise I would never distinguish.
I was thinking about all the great nostr apps and stacker news off course.
For Nostr apps and SN, we can't include with this list.
Because they are private?
No. But they promise so and people fall a prey.
Of course Reddit is at the top