Another Toxic Bitcoin Maxi is Born

For @Darthcoin the least I could do was protect my son’s privacy, but you guys can see my handsome face 🤠
TL;DR Nostr/X Follower Count is a Shitcoin
I joined Stacker News only three weeks ago (thanks @grayruby), but ever since I've been obsessed!
I know what you’re thinking, “But @realBitcoinDog, your son was born almost two weeks ago! You’re only just telling your fellow cowboys now? What posts were more urgent?”
Well let me tell you in my first ever post in @DesertDave ~alter_native territory:


I forked Stacker News and it felt so good… With a software engineer background, I love the idea of FOSS. Mainly because we get to see how things actually work (like Bitcoin), and moreover, I get to be part of something bigger than myself and help contribute! It's not something I take for granted, and neither should our fellow stackers. I had to see if I really could fork my own copy of the SN code for myself!


Book Review | Catcher in the Rye - Better the second go around as an adult I really had just finished reading Catcher in the Rye to do research for my next novel (and thank goodness too because it's gotten a lot harder to get reading in now!) So it was fun to actually contribute something to @siggy47 ~BooksAndArticles territory!


Stacker News Pitch Deck from k00b two years ago. My favorite is Slide #9.... T_T Then I discovered @k00b actual pitch deck, which was invigorating. But then @stack_harder ruined me by saying the following
hows the growth looking on SN? i only discovered it quite recently via nostr and it's one of my favourite sites now
So I HAD to check the analytics



Two referrals within two weeks! Who’s who at Stacker News Now I was feeling more comfortable. Time to have some fun 😈


Darthcoin might be an OG Stacker, but I dont trust. I read FAQ. Is Darth WRONG?! You know how they say when you go to prison, you gotta find the biggest, baddest person on the yard to take 'em on to prove your mettle? That's @Darthcoin. I'm not saying I got him, cuz even if I did it was on a technicality.
I might've misunderstood your question. You might've misunderstood my answer.


Why I muted posts from @Darthcoin and you should to. Did I say I was hooked? I gotta put the SN algo to the test! Drop some clear clickbait to see if downzaps really exist, if they really work, and if there is such a thing as getting a post outlawed! (Hint: There is.) My post in ~Bitcoin got outlawed! Stackers rewarded for downzapping clickbait👀


@realBitcoinDog Bitcoin Story - No, social media had nothing to do with it xD And then of course @siggy47 actually wanted to hear my Bitcoin story in ~BooksAndArticles.
@grayruby wants to know if I'm watching Monday Night Football in ~Stacker_Sports @DesertDave said he wants to hear from everyone on ~alter_native
Especially realBitcoinDog

Is my wife pissed?

If you've read this far, you might be thinking “That’s a lot of posts. Isn’t your wife pissed at you for neglecting the baby and spending too much time on the toilet trolling Stacker News?”
But that's what's got me hooked on Stacker News! More than Bitcoin Twitter or Nostr. I'm hardly saying anything surprising to you cowboys here, but unlike my 1500 followers on X, or my 400 followers on Nostr, I tell myself that you guys actually want to hear from me!
I want to successfully refer @21futures, @bitcoin_pup, @alex_boast, @denlillaapan, @BitcoinMessias to join us.
I mean look at my metrics for my newborn baby post on the social alternatives:


X - 1500 followers (no premium) Likes: 32 Comments: 3 Reposts: 3 New followers: 1 Zaps: 0 - ha!
Nostr - 400 followers Likes: 10 Comments: 1 Reposts: 2 New followers: 2 Zaps: 491
And the SN post to ~nostr where I wasn't even trying! Likes: unknown Comments: 14 Reposts: n/a New followers: n/a Zaps: 507

TL;DR Nostr/X Follower Count is a Shitcoin

So yea, I'm not saying I won't stop shilling my books or merch on X/NOSTR, but I'm happy to have found the absolute bikini bottom of the Bitcoin rabbithole here on SN.
@AG might have a canned thing he comments on every new user's bio, but man was he right.
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet! have a glimpse of what SN has to offer, it's fun around here.
How'd I do for a FIRST POST! to ~alter_native @DesertDave?
Oh and don't worry. I live in CA so the state is giving me a lot of paid leave from my fiat boss' tax dollars, so I will have plenty of time to spend with my son (so pumped!) AND it means you'll get to hear a lot from me for the next few months too 🐶
Gotta love watching the magic of SN click for people when they discover it.
Good to have you around these parts!
Thanks cowboy!
Any of my posts you’ve enjoyed in particular?
Probably the posts testing the algo and learning more about how SN works, while messing with Darth 😂.
Definitely looking to pick up the 21 Futures book now, though.
Good to know ~Meta SN algo posts are a hit!
Nice!! Yea I wrote short story #15 “Who let the Bitcoin Dogs Out?”
@21futures is the anthology editor! I referred him to SN!
Don’t forget to use my promo code BITCOINDOG for 10% off!
165 sats \ 3 replies \ @Car 10h
Great post!
The artificial numbers on other social platforms is fiat and only buys perceived influence but that doesn't actually correlate to real world influence. Impact is all that matters!
Impact is all that matters
Which of my posts are most impactful on you @Car?
@TheWildHustle wants more savage ones, but the rest ppl like the meta SN stuff or the personal stories!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 8h
Tbh I love it when stackers post original content like this. These stories always find a way to touch my heart. These are the kind of sn posts I will remember and bring up in conversation IRL.
The best compliment thank you! Ok yea I'll focus on high quality posts like these :)
To tell people IRL, wow! I can barely tell people about Bitcoin anymore IRL xD
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @alex_boast 7h
Nice one ser, you have indeed successfully referred me! Once I figure out how to zap you some sats I will
hopefully my referral link worked to start you w/ 1000 sats! Just zapped you 100, so you should have 70 now after SN takes the 30% cut (which they redistribute some as rewards to the top zappers).
All you gotta do is hit the lightning bolt. The setting I recommend you do right away is lower your default zap from 100 sats to something lower, but at least 10 sats. We encourage being zap heavy on the site. Then, when you really want to, it'll feel that much more impactful when you hold down the lightning button to zap 100, or even 1000 sats!
All about chasing that adrenaline high of zapping content you value!
You definitely hit the ground running, here.
Thank you! Any favorite post of mine in particular or ones you’d want more of?
Idk what @grayruby would do without you in ~Stacker_Sports
I've really enjoyed the way you dove right in: testing the SN code for yourself, picking fights with Darth, experimenting with different kinds of posts.
The posts themselves are good, but the whole approach is even better.
That’s the best compliment, thank you!
Next approach is getting personal with parenting stories in ~alter_native for @grayruby and @DesertDave.
But what I’m craving most is to write my own guide if I can get to work, or actually start reading the code!!
Congrats man!
Thank you! Any favorite post of mine in particular or ones you’d want more of?
Keep up the jams!
I liked the one about buying bitcoin to have less dollars.
Keep it based, brother.
I see you posting relatively positive content, in a seemingly happy mood.
Keep up the great work man. Glad you found SN.....or SN found you.
@grayruby reached out his hand to me on Nostr and said “you degenerate sports gamble, have I got a bunch of sucker for you to make sats off of in ~Stacker_Sports!”
Ok at least I know you’ll like the based bitcoin posts! I used to be a ghost writer for Rustin on Simply Bitcoin and man did I love it. If you’re willing to put yourself on camera, I’d be tempted to ghost write savage YouTube shows again. This one about John McAfee was my favorite I wrote
Awesome work. Hilarious, and will consider.
Hustle always has too many projects to handle, like a dog chasing cars.
Bookmarking this.
Glad you enjoyed the video!
21 sats \ 5 replies \ @grayruby 11h
A few of us contribute to a series of posts called Parent’s Corner here in the alternative territory. Hopefully you will share some of your own parenting adventures.
Oh no. Another call from @grayruby to contribute more posts?? You know I’ll have to answer the call!!
Help me get started! Got a sample post? A guide to them? A 10k bounty for the best/worst adventure 😂
It’s funny cuz on Twitter I try to stay “on brand” and be Bitcoin only but here it’s a forum so I guess I’m allowed to be multidimensional?
U know like not just the “SN ~meta” guy but a well rounded person?
See there u go I know Darth is all about privacy but with stories like this how do u not share??
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 10h
I never post my kids faces. Just my furry kid. I post pics of my dog all the time.
I can support that 🐕🐕
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @LowK3y19 11h
Congrats on the new baby
Now I’m just stacking as many sats as I can this lifetime and pass it off to my kids so they can be stupid rich in their future.
I’ve heard this is easier said than done. Will our kids or our grandchildren be the stupid rich ones?
congrats! fatherhood is a wild ride
Thanks!! Any tips to help enjoy it instead of just survive?? 😅
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 12h
Thank you! Any favorite post of mine in particular or ones you’d want more of?
Congrats on fatherhood! Seems like you have your sense of humour intact!
What’s your next novel gonna be about? You caught my attention with your Catcher in the Rye review. More reviews, please!
Thanks! I know you’ve been on a reviewing frenzy yourself!
They’re definitely a bit of work though. @21Futures is looking for reviews so I might do Atlas Shrugged next!
Just a reminder on our 21 Futures site relaunch.
I'm looking for reviews on any of the following books: Cryptonomicon, The Atlas Maneuver, Atlas Shrugged, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, Cypherpunks (by Julia- Assange), Any fiction by Cory Doctrow.
It doesn't have to be more than 250 words. We'll feature your bio on the site.
Alternatively, submit an interview about your role as a 21 Futures contributor. Why did you submit? What's your author story?
Also looking for blogs or articles on the following: What is the cypherpunk movement? Cypherpunk vs Cyberpunk fiction Sci-fi and money Why tech people (and bitociners) should read more fiction
Submit your blog, bio, and one link to The new site will go live with our next anthology launch.
Gotcha. I bookmarked your comment. Will likely work on why tech people should read more fiction. Thanks for the heads-up!
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 12h
It could be all the excitement that comes with a newborn just imagining a better world with Bitcoin.
Enjoy these moments
I am FILLED with hope for the future.
Excitement for my son and family. For Stacker News! For Bitcoin.
Were gonna graduate from cowboys to astronauts once we go to the moon 🚀
For @Darthcoin the least I could do was protect my son’s privacy, but you guys can see my handsome face 🤠
Again, my meme is really fitted for your comment. I tried to gave you a friendly advice, but you continue with the same behavior, ignoring my advice. You will regret it later and you will remember my words.
Privacy it doesn't mean you cover the faces, but by NOT posting at all about your private life, online. That shows that you have no respect for your own family...
Still much to learn!
Darth chooses to "inform" while putting people down. 🤷‍♂️
200 sats \ 6 replies \ @DarthCoin 9h
I specifically MUST zap this comment, of all the comments here, 100 sats.
this is spending my sats wisely
Wisdom is a deep pool.
oh no, so if I'm shallow, then I'm unlikely to be wise? xD
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 8h
There are plenty of people that help guide on here. And most of them are kind. So why do we support the ones who are unkind? Do we dislike ourselves?
There are a lot of ways to look at something, different wisdom. Sometimes I am wise and sometimes I am the fool.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 9h
life is but a dream
Not a positive style 😅
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bee_Aye 7h
congrats and hell ya! look forward to your posts 🙂
Thanks! Have you read any of my posts yet in particular? Do you have a favorite? What do you want to read?
If there is no zaps then what are they playing for?
Yea I think on X what people are paying for w/ premium is not for real money sats of zaps, but instead the follower count shitcoin.
Honestly the only way I get likes on X anymore is by tagging people directly, and then hoping they repost my tweet so then people see it because the people I tag DO pay for premium.
Very different game. This is the best game in town I think.
almost. The best game in town is to further hyperbitcoinization, and that's not Stacker News, not yet at least. I think @Coinsreporter is a bit of a unicorn that it was STACKER NEWS that was finally his orange pill moment.
I mean it's hard enough for me to refer bitcoiners (and let's be honest, EVERYONE on nostr is a bitcoiner), to get them to join SN. To get normies to join SN? oof.
At least SN encourages us to HODL and not give up on bitcoin, but to land here, i think you've already swallowed the orange pill.
No, it's work, but the best game is getting the world onboard. Look at my bitcoin story (which i think you have already).
That's why @21futures work is noble. He's trying to onboard nocoiners through fiction. I as well am trying to do it through my books, though I have tried my hand at podcasting xD.
The best game in town is the one that exists and is here and now. Bitcoin is inevitable now. There is no destination.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 7h
Congrats on your new Babe!
Thank you! Any kids of your own yet @k00b? Or are all of us stackers your children? xD
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7h
lol no kids (although I did/do want them badly) - just code
coding can keep you up all night as well, haha!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 7h
Greatest gift ever, being a father. 💚
Agreed! I forget how the expression goes. Something like, "Any boy can be a baby daddy, but only some men can be fathers."
Glad to read from you! It's always very different and interesting. Your metrics are also pretty good.
It's good you can spend more time with your son
I congratulate you once again.
What else do you want by posting your little history though?
Woah you’re asking me a question!
I mean what I want most is to know which of the posts I’ve made have resonated with you the most and you’d like to see more of!
More ~meta metrics? Something else?
40 sats \ 8 replies \ @IamSINGLE 9h
Your SN analysis post and your post about muting @DarthCoin are my favourites. In general I love your posts.
You have my permission to subscribe to my posts, haha!
Your comment was the top comment for the muting Darthcoin one! I guess you weren't one of the people who outlawed my post. Just genuinely wondering why I'd do a misleading title? I def won't be doing that again!!
More SN analysis posts are definitely coming!!🫡
20 sats \ 6 replies \ @IamSINGLE 8h
Hell no. I never downzap anything here. If I really don't want something, I'll just ignore it.
Downzapping can be a solution for only spammers not for a stacker who just used a clickbait title.
my intention is to continue to use clickbait titles because they freakin' work 🙄 but at least deliver on the title in the post.
"@Satosora recommends for iphone, but you need this ONE step not in his guide..."
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @IamSINGLE 7h
If I was a cowboy, I'll be the queen.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @IamSINGLE 7h
my intention is to continue to use clickbait titles because they freakin' work 🙄
Do it. I don't mind. I'll zap your post as usual.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 9h
Is this your first?
No I have a two year old daughter to whom Bitcoin Girl: Save the World is dedicated!
I love how much you love stacker. I feel it is a special place for sure. It's amazing how much you have done here in such a short period of time. Keep it up!
Thanks @DesertDave! It’s wild. Hardly my first rabbit hole. Bitcoin magazine contributors, Satoshi’s Journal, @21Futures, omg Stackchain. We got a lot of little Bitcoin communities.
This one really seems to get me tho.
What posts of mine u like most and want more of?
I am a big fan of parent posts like parents' corner. I like when people are vulnerable and share personal stories or art. I like to hear about stuff that isn't Bitcoin related. As much as I love it, there is more than enough bitcoin content here. I want stacker to be for everyone.
Yea that’ll be a pivot for me! On X or Nostr I try to keep my “brand” of Bitcoin only content, but I guess here I’m allowed to be a whole person!
But ok parent posts! Like @grayruby says that should be easy if it’s just writing what I know!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @DesertDave 10h
I think writing what we know is always best. And we don't have to build a brand here. It's not about being an influencer or having followers here. bring value. share. Zap. Connect. People like honesty. And there is no algo distorting the truth.
“There is no algo for distorting the truth.” 🫡