Of course, the Fed does not want anyone seeing this 'alternative' currency taking off since it exposes the potemkin reality that they spend every day defending.
I mean, the guy's name is a homophone for "Cash Carry," so of course he's all-in on fiat.
The old nursery rhyme!
79 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9h
No Neil, bitcoin makes central bankers useless.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @ogi099 4h
And actually saves people lifes in countries, where it's easier to have Internet than clear water
48 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 7h
He went on to compare Bitcoin’s growth to much larger markets like mortgages, noting liquidity and transparency drives adoption more than rules.
When I really finally got bitcoin. What it was. The only thing that compares to it for me is the Internet. It will be even more of an impact IMO. Though, the two are linked. The Internet is still growing and evolving and will likely do so for until long after I'm no longer living.
We are so early and I really don't think any of us know where it will end up. I wasn't early to the Internet. At least I didn't feel like I was at the time. But now, looking back I was pretty early. Making sites, learning how it all works, and using it to build a career.
People that mock bitcoin will be mocked. These stances will not age well.
54 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK 8h
And I say: Trashkari is useless. Like all these parasitic rent-seekers
Bitcoin says Kashkari is useless
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 7h
Horse and buggy whip consultant says, "Automobiles are useless".
Good comparison.
44 sats \ 0 replies \ @zapsammy 8h
the fud intensifies
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 8h
Who? Tick tock, next block
Kashkari ignores why bitcoin is not often used as a MoE- because in nearly all 'advanced democracies' btc has been classified as a speculative commodity so anyone using it as a MoE faces a huge regulatory compliance cost! And in many jurisdictions any business accepting Bitcoin is risks losing its access to fiat banking- understandably few business owners want to take that risk...on top of the CGT calculation accounting nightmare. While Blackrock appear to be on a different page to Kashkari they are not- they are simply reinforcing the perception and reality of Bitcoin as a speculative commodity by seizing evermore btc into their institutional custody thus reducing further btcs liquidity potential and increasing the effectiveness of any eventual ban on private custody. The banksters are working together slyly and determinedly to nip this challenge to their MoE hegemony in the bud. Why did Tesla reverse acceptance of Bitcoin for sales of Tesla- pressure from their bankers and government. Kashkari is the head of a state backed monopoly over MoE- the USDs global hegemony is the USAs biggest strategic asset- bitcoin if used as a MoE threatens that (it could be used to completely bypass SWIFT) so Bitcoin has been restricted via regulation to use as a speculative commodity- thats why few of us use it as a MoE. Kashkari knows all this so his disingenuous FUD is simply him defending his fiat debt slavery bankers cartel monopoly.
Where is @DarthCoin when you need him?
120 sats \ 4 replies \ @siggy47 OP 2h
I'll be Darth in his absence. Fuck the guvs! Why you waste time on this bullshit?
Hahahaha, you channel @DarthCoin very well, however, he has a lot of great memes to lay out there.
I have been on the receiving end enough!
86 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 1h
He always has a lesson in there somewhere though!
Yes he does.
Isn’t Kashkari that idiot that is the head of the Minneapolis Fed? He has some fairly left-field ideas on how to “run the economy”. Can he even imagine that the BLS figures that he predicates his decisions on are totally bogus politically motivated numbers pulled out to the air? Is he one of the masterclass, superior, credentialed experts? Are we up a creek without a paddle?
Kash Kari will regret if he lives another 5 years.
The hubris of this guy pisses me off so much. A sandwich, a cellphone, a book. Buy these things and voila the Fed will take Bitcoin seriously. Can't wait!
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @lrm_btc 8h
One man's trash
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 8h
I mean, useless is a pretty strong word. Long way from bitcoin fixes everything. Between those two there is a lot of room.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 9h
Its so useless, but they will be selling the rest of theirs to get "useless" fiat back. Sounds like hypocrisy.