Lusaka was a short stop as we headed towards Victoria Falls. Its infrastructure caught us off guard. Good roads, accessible amenities, and many malls. A stark contrast to Malawi, a neighboring country we had just visited. Entering one such mall in Lusaksa felt like we were back in Toronto. Driven by government, private, and foreign investment, Lusaka seemed to be miles ahead of other landlocked countries we had visited.
During our time in the city, we visited a restaurant that accepts bitcoin and hosts local bitcoin meet-ups. While interacting with the owner it was clear he viewed bitcoin as a competitive differentiator and an efficient easier form of payment acceptance. Since our meeting, he has increased his marketing efforts to raise awareness and inform his customers about bitcoin.
Victoria Falls (Mosi-oa-Tunya) is a major tourist attraction in Zambia, stretching nearly 1.7km! Due to recent droughts, the falls were no longer a blanket of water. Only certain sections had a steady flow, exposing the rock formations behind the water, an uncommon sight for visitors.
The waterfalls aside, we were invited to speak at the Bitcoin community meetup, Bitcoin Victoria Falls. The founder of this community is American, who decided to kickstart the project during a recent visit to the area. It was the first time we had encountered a community founded by a foreigner who didn't live in the region. It shows that anyone can bring forth change regardless of where they live! Can't forget his co-founder and running mate, Humprey, a local who has helped progress their mission!
Our presentation topic? Bitcoin for Businesses. We discussed the basics of bitcoin, how it works, how to earn it, and most importantly, how to onboard merchants. It's great interacting with the local community to understand their challenges. Fortunately, this community has decent bitcoin penetration. The lodge where the meetup was held accepts bitcoin, including a taxi service, a tour operator, and a stationary provider. During our stay, we onboarded the bar and its servers within the lodge premises. The owners appreciated the speed at which they could settle payments and easily accept money from foreigners who may not have cash.
Did you know, that the Zambezi River which runs below Victoria Falls is world renowned for its white water rafting? We had the chance to experience it ourselves and pay with bitcoin!
Botswana here we come.
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awesome trip!
I visited Vic Falls a couple years ago and can't wait to return at some point. I will connect with my fellow Bitcoiners when I do.
While reading your articles, I feel a real 'Sunrise of Bitcoin' is gonna be from Africa. You people aren't hiders. You talking it with everyone. I'm so so glad and appreciate your efforts.
It is obvious how different Lusaka is in terms of its economy compared to its neighbouring countries or cities.. and once again we must congratulate these travellers who do quality information work.. and so the rest of us can see how in places like Lusaka Bitcoin has also taken over!! 💪💪💪