I was talking with my wife about this recent post with 50 Cents entitled son 720209. She started telling me about how Shaquille O'Neil makes sure his kids know that they need to work hard or get nothing.
Of course I had to verify.
"In order to get my cheese, you have to present me with two degrees,"
"If you want to play (basketball), I can help you get there; but I would rather see a doctor, dentist, hedge fund guy, a veterinarian, or a world traveler."
"Because I tell them all the time. We ain't rich. I'm rich. You've got to have Bachelor's or Master's [degrees] and then if you want me to invest in one of your companies, you're going to have to present it... bring it to me, I'll let you know. I'm not giving you nothing."
Turn out she was right!
I think a lot of bitcoiners might be in a similar situation to 50 Cent and Shaq in the not too distant future. I hear it all the time, even from myself "Bitcoin is going to my children".
It's going to be tough making sure they don't end up entitled and ignorant. Shaq is hard on his kids cause he must really want them to succeed on their own. In Australia this type of parenting is generally known as tough love. I think it's a good ideal to have, but so far with mine it's easier said than done! It's still a work in progress and we have a long way to go.
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on the one hand , it's the classic fuck you boomer mentality, on the other hand, there is a logic to making sure your kids don't end up like Gofry from Game of Thrones.
in the case of 50c and shaq, they came from the hood and ended up multi-millionaires, that's a crazy jump, must be weird for them being raised one way, and then rasing ultra wealthy kids.
that being said, i read a statistic that 70% of wealthy families will lose their wealth by the second generation and 90% will lose it by the third, so who knows
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT OP 15 Oct
I haven't heard of "FU boomer mentality.
I wonder if there will be a reverse entitlement assumption for all the "lucky" bitcoiners that acquired it so easily in these early years. While WE (generation after Z) have to work for it!
the mentality a lot of them have is I'm taking it all to the grave because i earned it, you young people need to stfu and work hard like i did - while being oblivious of the changes in the money system and proportional increase in cost of living and that a lot of young people have to have multiple jobs , just to scrape by.
for sure tho, the future will see us as lucky bitcoiners and will want to bash us for it, or have the gov take our bitcoin to make things 'fair' lol
A child can become alienated in a life of luxury and not understand the complexities of life. I applaud Shaq for this initiative!
I remember this 😂
Yes he makes sure his kids work for it except his girls that are his princesses something like that I remember
Work in progress. Enjoy the journey
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT OP 15 Oct
Maybe they figured out how to manipulate their Dad. Lol
Can’t find it now but I’m sure he said something like that
35 sats \ 2 replies \ @kepford 18h
When I was a kid Shaq was coming into the spotlight. I recall that his step-father was a military man and was very tough. Seems like he understands the value of that kind of love.
I challenge anyone to say that it is much harder to take something for granted that you worked for. That was hard. I know that I take many things for granted because they are not hard (no proof of work). I even lose my gratitude at times on things I did work hard for. Its a human condition we have to fight if we care about ourselves and our decedents.
Our culture (me included) is very self-centered. We act as if the world owes us all something. It doesn't. Life can be hard. Its what you make of it. Life isn't fair. So what. What are you gonna do about it? Make the best of it. Appreciate what you have. Don't expect a hand out. Don't expect respect. Earn it.
None of us started at the same spot. I had many things my father never did. I didn't earn them. He did. He made me work when I wanted to be lazy. He made mistakes but I can't focus on his mistakes. I need to focus on being the best I can be and guiding the young men God entrusted me with. In the end though, its up to them.
I know I've made mistakes. I'm human. We all do. I don't have Shaq's wealth and never will regardless of bitcoin but the principle he is demonstrating applies to all of us. Do what is best for you kids. Not what is nice or they want. You don't have to be cruel and you shouldn't be. But at this point in my life I'm glad my dad was tough on me. It made me stronger. When I look around I think we are soft in general as a people. I think I'm softer than I should be. I just had an easier life. And yet, I know many people that would look at my life and say they had it easier. That's just how it is.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 18h
Those are good points and I agree that the world owes us nothing.
I think they still have a lot of support even if they don't have direct access to cash.
No doubt. No one talks about the parent that just gives their kid tons of stuff and ruins them. That's probably the most common situation with the wealthy. And that's not love.
Being a parent is often a complex job. Knowing how to give our children an example of an integral human being and knowing what to do, say, and make decisions is not easy.
34 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 22h
Shaq's words might be harsh but I think he's correct. I also feel like if some situation occurred with one of his kids health-wise he would change his standing but for able-bodied young people, I think that a certain level of expectation like this is a really good thing. After all, he is looking and willing to fund their dream with a company.
I've never been big on monetary inheritance, in terms of expecting to receive or planning to leave. We'll certainly leave what we have to our daughter, but our focus is on investing in her now so that she can build the life she wants.
25 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT OP 22h
Hope it works out.
I agree that education is going to be one of the big investments on our kids. Not necessarily University though. Just supporting whatever they want to do with themselves.
The challenge for Shaq is his salary and potential wealth are known to be substantial. If you're discreet about holdings and live modestly this can be a non-issue for bitcoiners. Guess that's not as fun as living it up but get a taste of the high life and you'll see it ain't all that.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT OP 14h
He can't exactly hide his wealth. He was a basketball star.
awesome -- thx!
Shaq is right: independence can be learned.
We need more people like him, so our society can thrive. There were too many participation awards passed out these last generations.