Hmm, I haven't gone through an update cycle with Alby yet, so I am not really looking forward to that!
I can see how running it on a laptop might not be great, especially if your laptop has to go offline frequently. I'm running my Alby on a home desktop computer which hopefully won't ever have to go down unless in the event of a power outage.
14 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 15 Oct
Yeah when I was talking with them there was something about I needed to be on when it was pushed so that my Hub was active and since it is a laptop that isn't always the easiest thing. The desktop should be a huge improvement! I looked at if from not only the experimentation standpoint but also how many sats was I earning via SN and since I have become much more active esp during the weekdays its a higher cost but I am able to knock it out.
I am looking to add a couple other LN earn opps that I could also link to this and if that ends up not happening then it could be in a few months that it isn't worth it for me but esp with the 3 month discount it isn't bad at all!