This is our new dog. We adopted her at the end of August. She has adlusted well with our other dog:

Who seems happy to have a new canine in the house.
The new dog still wants to kill our cat, but our cat isn't the least bit afraid:

The problem:
Our new dog is underweight. She just can't seem to keep weight on. She's happy, active, and has a good appetite. The vet says to increase her food. We have been doing just that.
This morning I woke up around 5am to barking. Both our dogs spend the night in their crates. Our new dog was the one making all the racket. I checked her out, and discovered she had a bad case of diarrhea that soiled her entire crate. Here is a photo:
(Just kidding)
As I always do in these circumstances, I went down to wake up my wife. She is not an early riser. She gets angry if woken up too early. Still, I am aware that I am unauthorized to tackle a cleaning project of this magnitude. I steeled myself and told her the good news. She predictably yelled at me as if I had done the foul deed. I told her I would go up and walk the dog. When I returned the house was still dark. My wife had fallen back asleep. I was left to my own devices.
Now mind you, I didn't have time for this. I had many items on SN I had to weigh in on. Still, I did my best.
She is still sleeping. There is a sense of unease throughout the house.