Today I am joined by “Kati the Russian” to discuss the concept of Plan B passports. We discuss Flag Theory, jurisdictional arbitrage, the cost of a second passport, the sovereign individual and a ton more.
Katie was born and raised in Russia. as a former pro sailor and national champion, she got a US green card and at the age of 21 she immigrated to the US. 6 years later Katie is a CEO of, a Bitcoiner and wannabe Sovereign Individual.
Join Us Today to Discuss…
What is Flag Theory
How Bitcoin changed the game of Jurisdictional arbitrage
In addition to a second passport – what are other instruments in the flag theory toolbox
Will Investment Migration programs get shut down eventually or will competition increase them
The Sovereign Individual thesis – aka end of nation states
Where to start when looking into building your flag strategy
What does the process of obtaining a second passport looks like
The cost of various forms of second citizenship and residency