I am sure that if I would make a poll about US elections would have more votes than this... Nowadays people are soo fucking stupid and vote for anything but never ask the important question: who is funding wars...
Who votes? If you vote, you consent to be governed by the results of a(n) (s)election. NO!! I do not consent! I do not.have a contract! I only obey under duress.
BTW, we the taxpayers and dollar users are fronting the money for wars and any damage that occurs. We front it through taxes and inflation, so it is stolen in either case.
the physical dominators have murdered and pillaged throughout history in the name of deities, and in exchange for promises of virgins in heaven.
now, the 1 dollar bill has an all-seeing deity. the dollar is god.
I have a simple question: where is the contract I signed and agree to pay?
Why do you have to have a contract with them? We have gunz, lots of gunz and you will die. - V
You do not need to have a contract, they just assume you have one, for their own reasons. Also, they literally have you over a barrel. Do as they say, give them the money or take the lead treatment. It is the same with our overlords, no matter the time or place. Psychopaths will psychopath.
if we start the culture of rejecting contracts we deem unacceptable, starting with, for example, credit cards, microsoft/google/apple accounts, etc. this can potentially snowball and reach the highest levels of fake contracts. the culture of saying "No" can become very powerful.
easy thing to start practicing: say "i opt out" in the airport for the face scanning and the body scanning (yes, they'll pat you down, but at least you said no to something). never go full darth right away
Opting out is just rejecting their contractual offer to you.
Another way to go about it would be to make a counter-offer. If you make a counter-offer, you are rejecting the contractual offer that they are making. They either have to make a counter-counter-offer or abandon their position because you do not agree to make a contract with them.
BTW, where is Darthcoin, here?
BTW, where is Darthcoin, here?
I am a sovereign individual that doesn't give a fuck about all this. This world is working on contract based even that you do not realize it. Anything you do is a contract. Read more here #685404
a contract requires a meeting of the minds and full informed consent, among other things.
i cannot recall either, but the mind control is strong, making me believe that the above took place, somewhere at some point.