Spots or lines are not from the editing process (cut and tape) of analog film. Spots and lines appear when analog film ages, gets damaged, the projector jammed etc
Pretty sure you rarely saw them in cinemas.
Maybe you're having mandela effect from either digital video filters of "analog look" or home video where replays did damaged films a lot over time. Or maybe you're remembering reruns of even older movies or your local cinema operator was a cheapskate that showed grey market used films.
I worked in a cinema when l was younger that got the physical film. They would have to cut and tape the film to fit on their reels.
They would have to cut and tape the film to fit on their reels.
True but it that isn't the source of the spots and lines in the visuals
Its also from when the film gets shredded as it goes through the projector wrong.
They used to tape that part up, too. Its a lots art.
as it goes through the projector wrong.
Yeah that's what I meant with "the projector jammed".
I hope that happened rarely at your theater lol. Expensive with 35mm movies :D
I didnt hear if it was expensive, I know they rented the movie with another theatre. So they could split the bill, and have it a week at each theatre. It happens every once in a while, just have to fix it. Its really cool, the yellow tape would hardly show up when it was projected on the screen. You sometimes saw a line if you were looking carefully.