Thank you for noting that the Diary of Anne Frank was fiction. For a long time it was introduced as non-fiction and fed to children as such. It was proven to be written in ball point pen, which was not invented until after the war. It was a propaganda piece.
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im now down this rabbit hole, but i don't think the allegations about it being fake seem very legit to be honest
If the diary was supposedly written before the ballpoint pen was invented and the diary was written in ballpoint ink, what conclusion are you supposed to draw?
Where are you getting this info from, about the ballpoint pen? I haven't run across it.
I don’t remember where I came across it, whether in the virtual world or the solid world. Apparently, someone did the analysis of the paper and the inks and the tools involved in making the diary. The claim was that the paper was not used in Holland, the pen was a ballpoint and the ink was for the ballpoint pen. They were all post-WWII provenence. The conclusion was that Anne Frank did not write the diary, but someone else (apparently an adult male).
in a way, i would rather it wasn't true because it's such a sad story.
I think it was designed to be just that. A story that pulls at the emotions in a way to produce an opinion.