The proliferation of new communication technologies has ironically led to a loneliness epidemic, with corresponding rises in anxiety and depression. People don’t connect face to face as much as they used to.
I think spending time on SN isn’t as bad as doomscrolling. After all, we aren’t just indulging in relaxing fun and passively taking in information and being the prey of dopamine rushes.
The zaps are wonderful, which contribute to our hedonistic happiness. And it takes effort to comment in response to other Stackers and build relationships. Challenging fun is involved, be it finding the right words to empathise with a Stacker’s personal recount or asking probing questions to reconcile different perspectives. Not to mention those of you who maintain territories. Eudaimonic happiness is found in abundance here.
Nonetheless, how do you find the sweet spot so that you derive the optimal benefits from SN without becoming addicted to it? Strict time boundaries? Digital detox every now and then? Or is reining in your impulse to be here 24/7 a non-issue for you?