@21Futures is the latest to join Stacker News, and I'm proud to have referred them!
Philip Charter is the editor of the first ever Bitcoin Fiction anthology featuring 21 different short stories of a Bitcoin future. He's a cowboy in the making. He doesn't even have a Twitter! NOSTR and Stacker News only. His personal site lends to his credibility https://philipcharter.com/
He's already made a splash in our territory ~BooksAndArticles, posting a review of The Mandibles that earned almost 2k sats! #719755
He's challenging the status quo, saying why for Bitcoin to succeed, we need more stories #714404.
It only took his third post to do cat photos #720966
21 Futures isn't just a one-and-done book. Freedom Publishing House Konsensus Network is maintaining an active blog featuring some of the stories, and others who entered the competition but weren't published in print. https://konsensus.network/read/fiction/
Am I biased? Of course! I'm one of the authors featured in the first volume of the anthology. But to read my short story, "Who let the Bitcoin Dogs Out?" you need to buy the book, and yes, they take Bitcoin. Use promo code BITCOINDOG for 10% off! https://bitcoinbook.shop/products/21-futures-tales-from-the-timechain?Format=Paperback
What are you waiting for? Subscribe to @21futures posts. All signal, no noise.
I like your enthusiastic endorsement. And LOL at your cat reference. There’s something about netizens and cats
But what should he name his cat??
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @21futures 6h
They have been named. Betty and Balthazar.
I'm glad you posted this introduction. I recall when the anthology came out another author posted about it here. I'll see if I can find it. I'm excited to learn more about the project.
Thanks! @21Futures is coming out with a second volume Financial Fallout shortly. That writing contest just ended but got almost 200 submissions for only 21 stories to win.
The opportunity is massive @siggy47. We’re on the bleeding edge of Bitcoin fiction. I’ve got two books myself! It’s fun!
Well, if I can be of any help with spreading the word through the territory just let me know. I'll be following your progress.
Well sure what’s the way? My personal site is https://realBitcoinDog.com
I’ve got a bunch of articles published already I was thinking of republishing with proper markdown as discussion posts on SN ~BooksAndArticles. Do I just go for it? I wanna respect the rules of the territory to do things the right way!
No restrictions on whether it has been published before. Others have already. I don't enforce many rules here.
Ha! Any rules other than common sense?
Anything u think ppl like in particular?
Yeah, just common sense. Generally, good writing works here. There hasn't been much fiction posted yet, although that may be changing. Personally I enjoy a good "my bitcoin story." I'm amazed by the ways people get hooked. Of course I don't want to see the territory get limited to bitcoin topics. Although I'm personally not interested, there are many Sci Fi fans on SN.
I’ll definitely be posting my Bitcoin story!!
So far none of my fiction has been SciFi. You might like it!🫡
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Golu 13 Oct
Why you subscribed is okay but why someone else should seems like a paid advertising. Lol. Anyways, it's good info to know we have writers around here.
It’s definitely a strategy. Where is the line between advocacy and outright advertising?
But also with SN there’s a financial incentive to get ppl to zap your referrer’s posts. @grayruby gets 10% of all my zaps for perpetuity because I joined through his referral link. And I’m definitely hooked! For better or worse 😈
Are you a writer too @Golu?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @21futures 6h
Shut up and take my sats