The reality we live

Now, you might not see things the same way I do, although that is highly likely in this territory!
The underlying thinking for this is that we will get to a phase where it will be hard or close to impossible to travel freely, where people will face starvation, incarceration, bioweapons or worse if they do not comply.
So, how to survive?

Get going!

My whole thing here is to be a Rebel Nomad for the simple reason that I haven't got access to areas where its realistic to survive, and certainly to be simply left alone. So see me as someone who had to move early on, which what many will have to do!
What is a NWO grab bag? Probably very different from what a SHTF prepper has on the standby!
For me it includes a couple of laptops, some phones, and certainly all the tools that I've gotten used to, be it privacy, security, payment gateways, comms like Nostr and so on. It will be a highly individual thing.
Some gold coins is key, maybe other things that you can swap for getting help on the road, if you know where you're going maybe popular items that are hard to get?

How to get there?

I've written about weird, unconventional getaways here: #676638
The important part is the mindset, be ready to act decisively on incomplete information! #721211
How do you connect to locals as you go? Would there be ways of maybe even get help to settle, or hide out for a longer period of time?
Also remember that there might be many alternative ways of getting somewhere, one example is the new ferry from India to Dubai that I hope to check out in the future, as part of preparing for not being able to get on a plane...

Can you connect?

Now this can be a risky process, but also the risk of not getting into this mindset can be higher...
How do you manage to explain your situation, and especially figure out of you can talk openly about important things with those you meet?
This was one of the worst aspects for me personally into the last half of 2020 and the couple of years after that. There was some risk in being too open about serious issues, and I certainly did not want to get in a situation where medical issues might be forced... I totally expect that this type of situation might arise again, at least if I chose the wrong areas...

Leveraging existing networks

Bitcoin and Nostr is a prime example of this!
Whenever I write about or share anything around issues that are important for a Rebel Nomad here, on Nostr and in similar settings I actually feel quite optimistic. I can see easily see that there are so many out there with similar experiences, concerns and maybe even tentative plans out there.
I'd trust these, most of you, over any authority figure any day! :-)
But there are also existing networks that are not as visible. These are my personal examples:
  • The BNI business network. This is global, of course a real mix of statists and more informed individuals, but I do know how to work with it since I was a member for years.
  • The Tibetan Buddhist network. Of course this is a personal thing for me, but you might have similar connections to other traditions that have a network?
  • The "work for food" networks. There are networks all over the globe where mainly organic farms can accept visitors who then work for lodging and food. I've yet to get into this network, but I have been in similar settings before. Also I can be useful in many ways, I'm a good mechanic as an example.
  • The Urbex communities. Now, I've only been interacting with this as a photographer online, but I've been to a lot of the sites, and I know the mindset and fascination of many. I plan to ramp up my connections here regardless of what happens.
  • The yachting world (sailing). The short story is that I've got ~2 decades of extensive experience, so although I haven't been doing more than a couple of solo crossings I'd be able to get "in* for sure.
Writing this I also then realize that I won't regret preparing these things anyway, for me personally these are things I enjoy doing anyway!
That also makes it far easier for me to connect, I'll be able to be natural and relaxed I think, at least that has been my experience navigating the world in this way so far :-)
For all we know they might be using AI to make this happen expeditiously. But then again AI is not good enough to decrypt our existing encryption technology.
Their shitty AI will have very close to no real data on me!
And I'll certainly avoid any zones where I'd have to compromise on that...
Better then to starve & die with honest, genuine street dogs!