Ready for a live experiment to check what you'd do when its all in?
I guess most here have a plan B and/or somewhere they'd at least want to check out on the ground for an extended period of time.
Now, for this to work well don't check anything online once you start :-)
Choose your country B. Then imagine you're there and things go real bad...
Maybe people with the wrong passports are executed in the streets, maybe hot war breaks out, maybe the people rise up, and you're definitely on the wrong end of the whole thing.
You have to get out. Where do you go to? You need to decide ASAP, ideally within maximum a few hours!
Would be great with answers that are much less well informed than we often get here on SN, since that often will be the very nature of real life situations as described...
Writing this I realize that even though I spend a lot of time getting up to scratch on everything I would have to push myself as well, if I was in country B :-) But at least I've lived this before, in a milder and less acute form...
Where would you go?
Me? You first! ;-)
Its a fair question though as you are challenging everyone else to respond to what is a very vague and loosely defined scenario. Help us out- give us your preferred solution/s to your hypothetical problem scenario...
Can't help everyone to get the point I guess, but here is an example at least: #712142
Through history so many have ended up not being mentally prepared, provoking some thinking around that is my goal...
Ok but I suggest you may be over estimating the potential freedom in nations which exist under the close watch of autocracies. You seem to have given up all hope for the governments of western democracies? Might it not better to remain in a western democracy and fight against the creeping corporate takeover of our democracies?
There is a huge difference between freedom in theory and reality on the ground...
Especially after 2020 hit, the whole, global ruleset changed!
Will be more coming about those things too :-)
Well my plan B is Japan, because of my Japanese wife. When shit hits the fan, I guess I will escape to Taiwan because 1) it’s near Japan, 2) I’m ethically Chinese and speak Mandarin.
You haven’t answered your own question yet
I can do a round or more of this any day! It has become a routine :-)
Right now I'm planning to get back to Nepal again. Should anything go wrong there I've got India to disappear in.
If I can fly out and conditions allow I would then go to Egypt, especially if medical paperwork is important to get fixed.
Other options are Armenia, Georgia, maybe Turkey and then Bulgaria. Cheap, flexible, and they are countries that have seen totalitarian regimes before.
Japan sounds like a stable option long term, but who knows, that is kinda the point with this type of exercise...
I think Nepal is nice. Colourful vibrant culturally rich but not as loud as India.
Are you considering Bhutan as well? It’s rather Bitcoin friendly
Bhutan is close to impossible other than a few days as a tourist, or weeks if you're stinking rich.
That being said I've got at least some remote connections that might lead to something... But that would be after a lot of other things going very well, so I'm not really thinking about that at all, for now.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout 13 Oct
First move family into safety. This usually means outside of the city. Now it really depends on specifics
  • light pack the family as fast as possible
  • if I don't have a car, try getting a good driver
  • if there are fights in the street, try getting the most up to date locations and strategize/predict the development
  • if it's "your hometown is under attack by another country as part of war" type of situation, then I'd immediately (after family safe) start helping with preparations for home defense (blocking roads, barricades, molotovs)
  • ... again, it really depends on what is specifically happening, what needs reaction
If flights are N/A, then we need to cross borders to escape, then I'd choose the most feasible crossing and attempt to cross.
Good thinking!
But what if you were already in country B, not your home country, be it on holiday or anything else?
IMO there is a more than small chance of war breaking out between China and the west- in fact it already has with Iran and Russia being Chinese proxies challenging the current US dominance of global power. So if such a situation occurred and open conflict broke out between US and China where would I go- probably where I live already and where I know the ground and rules and people best. New Zealand.
If so, how & where would you hide out if you totally need to go dark for a few months?
I think I'll be staying at the same place where I am right now. It's better to fight aginst all odds than to just run away.
Nothing wrong with that!
But what if there was absolutely no hope achieving anything meaningful? Maybe your area is suddenly sprayed with tons of chemicals...