I will tell you a personal experience since it is the closest I have been to such situations: I was shopping in a street market, while I was talking to a lady from whom I was going to buy some things, two men arrived with a notebook and pencil, they approached the lady and said one word "cleaning" and she immediately searched her purse for money and gave them some... and so on, they went from vendor to vendor collecting their daily quota. This is not something current, the quota collectors are criminal gangs that have control of many areas of the city and force people to pay... In recent months there are people who have refused to pay, which has led to more violent and blatant murders, the violence has been magnified. Even near that street market, the extortionists left a bomb in a hardware store that refused to pay. All payments are in cash.
So a gang of sorts then...
Giving them cash smeared with anthrax would be fair!
Not easy to dismantle of course...
The worst thing is that there is a law that protects criminals. Many years ago there was terrorism here, it was the worst time in Peru, until Alberto Fujimori finished them off and made Peru stand up again, then the leftists came to power again and Peru is turning to shit again.
Do you think the US deep state is involved? No need to answer, of course
Everything is possible, we will never be able to know everything, behind Machiavellian events there are names of people we will never know and darker intentions than we can imagine.