From a strictly hypothetical ethical standpoint, nothing in the Non-Aggression Principle precludes defending yourself against organized criminality (including the state). If people are taking the NAP to mean that, then they are applying it too broadly.
As a matter of practicality, I agree with Lew Rockwell's position that "Violence is the tool of the state" and we should avoid resorting to it whenever possible. The regime would much prefer violent opposition over peaceful non-compliance. They have myriad tools for dealing with the former and almost none for dealing with the later.
If evil fuckers sense that you're a pushover they'll pounce!
But if they sense that you're willing to scale all the way rapidly they'll let you be.
This has worked well for me since I was a teen, never had to fight at all ;-)
I agree with that. The successful Bundy standoffs with the Feds were good examples.
You just made my point with someone else's philosophy.
we should avoid resorting to it whenever possible
Isn't that what we've been doing? How's that been working out for us?
The line in the sand can't just be "direct aggression towards me or my family" because it may likely never happen. Meanwhile, the oppression furthers.. slowly.
I don't see how violent opposition would benefit us and I'm inclined to assume anyone advocating for it is a Fed.
Bitcoin and other freedom tech has the potential rug pull the old coercive apparatus. Living peacefully outside of their control is better resistance than dying in a head to head fight (which is all that would be accomplished).
Accusing someone of being a "Fed" is becoming one of those over-used phrases akin to "conspiracy theorist". Do you remember 1776?
Do you remember 1861-1865?
What's the plan here? From where I sit violence will only be met with additional violence and the public will not be siding with the rebels.
I think you're assuming I'm saying militias should form and they should overtly fight against our government. I'm not.
What I think should be done is my own opinion. I'm moreso interested in the discussion here.
That's fair. Like I said, it's not inherently unethical, but I perceive it as being presently unwise.
The form in most people's minds, I would consider unwise as well.