By George Ford Smith
When the bankers called for a central bank in the US, they claimed to only want a way to stop bank runs. It turns out that they wanted—and got—much more. The permanent regime of inflation and asset bubbles is the result.
This means you always have to be careful if there is a bank like that
You always need to be careful of bankers, they are not the most moral of people. Hence why they are represented by pigs in the old cartoons.
There is no capitalism without the state. All banks go hand in hand with the state
Definition: "Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit."
The state is actually completely antithetical to capitalism.
I didn't write based on definition, but based on reality. Look for large private companies and see if they are not in conjunction with the state
Obviously they are. Why are you referring to systematic violations of property rights as "capitalism", though, when that's the opposite of the word's meaning?
Good article. Almost a TLDR of "The Creature From Jekyll Island"