Very true. I feel like some of the privacy-coin people, although they have good intentions, are living a fantasy.
One slip-up, one mistake, and a governmental actor can find someone trying to 'hide' on the internet. Privacy is the lowest of the on-chain or off-chain privacy presented. If you order something online and have it shipped to your house, how private is it?
If you buy gas for your car - the car probably has a license plate? There are cameras out in public? The moment you made the transaction (ie with the 'privacy coin') your face was visible on camera... so how big is the anonymity set?
With current ring signatures of 16 (16 right?) and your face on camera with your license plate showing, how many other people were buying that exact amount at that exact time? How large is the actual anonymity set?
Also, how do you stand around and wait for more confirmations, even just a few minutes when there are people around you, not paying in cryptocurrency?