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100 sats \ 7 replies \ @zapsammy 11 Oct 2024 \ parent \ on: Stacker Saloon
if i see this correctly, police are a private security force acting on behalf of a corporate office of the country. they act on behalf of the office, but they are fully responsible for their own unjust/unlawful behavior unless they get forgiven by the corporation (their own buddies).
the people higher up in the office are not responsible for the violence, because they are never the ones who carry out the violence. they're still psychopaths, but they manage to abstract the violence from their own spiritual account.
constable is a more lawful appointment, but it's still not great. the line "I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property" should be sufficient...
All govs and police stations are fully registered as CORPORATIONS.
Search for their DUNS number in the database and you will find out.
for example spanish police

they are national debt sellers
how does debt relate to trust law?
many make a reference to debtor-creditor,
but what are the correlates in a trust?
trustee = debtor?
beneficiary = creditor?
or are debt/credit just made-up roles that are in addition to the trust roles?
like, can beneficiary have a debtor/creditor role and a trustee can have debtor/creditor role? like a 4-section square diagram?
glad you asked
thank u. every time i watch this, i get a new perspective.
the mind control is strong.
yeah, this is not to be comprehended after watching one time video.
but this video is the best I found.
still coughing out the cobwebs here