Ok, I think the gov’t is thinking of taking, at least, Google down.a peg or two through the Anti-monopoly laws. I hope they break them to very small pieces because of what they have done. However, because they are part of the intelligence community, it may not happen.
What part of the government will take which other part down is the question!
The deep state will have to split their embedded workers and handlers, but they'll report and take orders in the same way as before of course...
We need the central power to fail, hopefully that process gets started once the dollar slides further, we'll have to see & act accordingly.
I think that the failure has already started. There are too many people that are aware of what has been going on. Just think of weather manipulation as a prime example, since when have hurricanes started and moved this way? What other examples can we see?
Yep, this is what I'm thinking these days too!
I've been trying to observe how real information and truth spreads since back when the Berlin wall fell, how content around weather manipulation has spread the recent days just feels different...
Maybe the central, controlling power has lost control of the narrative for real. Next up might then be quite spectacular failures and events coming from almost any angle, since the Beast Machine that the West has become is way more complex and corrupt than even the Soviet Union and Soviet block ever was!
I would like to see the total rollback of the bureaucracy and all of the unnecessary laws and regulations that are stifling innovation and people. Perhaps right back to nothing.
That will be hard to get the genie 🧞 back in the bottle
Or squeezing the toothpaste back into the tube. Yeah, I understand that, especially while people are making bank on the current system.