Sounds interesting, what is the name of your platform? Would love to check it out and is there any fee for the viewing audience when they want to watch some of the content you have on your platform?
There's a mix... some content is paywalled (this seems to be most popular use-case), some is tip/engagement based (I think we need more network effect via Nostr for this to take off)
Thank you for that and will mosdef check it out! Does this mean that Nostr is an integral piece for scaling this platform? Without which, it won't scale?
Nostr isn't a scaling solution in the technical sense, but the combined network effects of all the apps that use it create something of a gravity well that can pull new users in.
Imagine making a new email client that didn't talk to other email clients, it'd be pretty useless... but because email is a protocol a new and betterer mail client has instant utility.
Got it! Makes absolute sense to me. Just had a brief look around of the platform and it does have great potential especially if more creators come on board. Congratulations on all the work you have put in thus far, i can imagine it wasn't a cake walk getting this far