One of the many reasons I draw cartoons is the chance to create a legacy. There’s the not insignificant chance that it’s an embarrassing legacy for my kids and grandkids, but I’m willing to take that risk. I’ve been doing it roughly once a week for two years and I know it’s sustainable. I enjoy playing with micropayments and AI cartooning. I have raked in hundreds of sats to date. Hopefully you see the humor in that. 20 more years of this, and my humor’s gonna be scattered everywhere across the interweb. Hmmmm…Maybe my goal is to embarrass my lineage. My latest.
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Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. Your words resonate with me because I have similar motivations for maintaining my blog. 2 years is impressive! To keep your flow of ideas flowing and be committed to realising them.
Hope you post more of your drawings here