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Just say, “NO” and use cash at all times. When they start switching over, silver and gold will work very well. I assume that they will try to smother any of their electronic competitors by whatever means necessary. The important point here is to use their fiat wherever you can at all times. You cannot let the shops and businesses reject fiat as a means of exchange because they will try to get the legal tender laws repealed. If that happens the sh*t will hit the fan. They want full tyrannical control of each and every facet of your life. Do you think there are any other ways to negate their CBDC dreams?
Yep 100% use cash as often as possible - but how to pay business taxes / property taxes etc. I believe they will start at the governmental interaction level slowly proliferating towards how the government pays out benefits etc.
Honestly I don’t think we avoid this - unless you move countries or slip through the cracks by getting other people to transact with - say - the government on your behalf
To pay those taxes to the government, I would buy bags and bags full of pennies and dump them off at the taxiing authority’s front door and call the taxes as paid! Pennies are legal tender! THEY made the legal tender laws, so let them live with them, too.