The new Gladiator looks promising. I saw the trailer a while back but just saw this movie poster and it got me thinking about it all over again. Denzel Washington and Pedro Pascal are a couple of my favorite actors so I have a feeling I will at least be entertained.
Haha! My Caesar, But, I don't believe you. You tapped that ass, didn't you. C'mon, tell the truth, you know you tapped that ass. You put her in the back of the chariot, BAM. Code-X.
I can hear him saying it. πŸ˜‚
β€œI’m the emperor, I run shit around here, you just live here!”
My man.
You know what normal is to me?
I ain't see normal since I was 6 years old.
Normal is seeing the royal guard ride up to my house, dragging my 12 year old cousin out and tying him to a crucifix, shoving a spear in his mouth so hard they bust his teeth, then they bust two arrows in his head, knocking it off.
That's what normal is to me.
Didn't give a fuck about no legionnaire then... Don't give a fuck about no legionnaire now.
"My man" πŸ˜‚
Wow this actually does look good
I hope it doesn't completely suck but the Rhino scene def looks entertaining.
Haha yes let’s see once it’s out
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma 9 Oct
No expectations on this one. Actually no, my expectation is that it will be bad. Hopefully I'm wrong and it surprises me.
I really loved the first one though. I was thoroughly entertained.
I think everything these days is injected with at least X% wokeness.
Two great actors but the trailer left me not expecting much. So many of these types of movies building on an older good movie are poorly written. Hope I wrong though.
Yeah, they are def just trying to ride the coat tails of the first one but these days, I don't expect much from movies aside from entertainment value.
Every now and then something amazing comes along and really impresses me but as society declines, I have basically stopped expecting quality movies.