In a quixotic quest to single-handedly save the planet, the EU is doubling down on its emissions trading scheme. Brussels bureaucrats, apparently convinced they can control the weather, are expanding their carbon pricing fantasy to new heights.
Key delusions include:
  • Squeezing existing industries even harder
  • Forcing ships to join the climate cult (2024)
  • Making buildings and cars pay climate penance (2027)
  • Magically reducing emission certificates
  • Introducing a CO2 border tax, because why not punish trade too?
This grand plan aims to create a "level playing field" - EU-speak for kneecapping their own industries while the rest of the world laughs. Meanwhile, regions with actual energy policies and nuclear power are probably ordering more popcorn to watch the show.
Well, if they are able to tax china for their emissions, it wwould be nice. But l dont see it leading anywhere except higher prices.
They are out of touch with reality for starters.... You are right I want to see how debacle ends.
It's really absurd at this point. Poor people that have no clue what their overlords are cooking for them