" What is the practical and realistic limit to the amount of any resource is always the human time that is spent producing it, for time is the only real scarce resource (until the creation of Bitcoin). In his masterful work The Last Resource, economist Julian L. Simon explains that the only limited resource, and indeed the only thing to which the term "resource" is validly applied, is human time"
This quote is from chapter 9 of the book The Bitcoin Standard, a must read for everyone, Bitcoiner or Non-coiner.
I do not intend to make any review of this excellent publication, it would be appropriate to do so in the Books and Articles area. Rather, I want to share my yesterday with the community.
I usually have, as far as possible, some activity on the platform. But yesterday was not the case. The reason, I CONSUMED THE ONLY LIMITED RESOURCE IN HELPING MY TWO CHILDREN.
Today when I got up and checked a notification I found:
" you lost your cowboy hat After 27 days, you lost your cowboy hat in a wild shoot-out on the outskirts of town. Tough luck, tIme to start searching for another one."
Then I checked my statistics and found that I had only participated in one survey. JUST THAT.
Well, yesterday after returning from work, I had to help my oldest son with an electrical problem on his electric motorcycle. It was either that or a huge expense to have someone else do the work. It's not that I care about spending money. What I can do is do it myself and also teach him and SPEND MY TIME HELPING HIM, so that I don't have to pay a fiat that I can later use to buy everyday necessities or BITCOIN. So we worked hard and managed to solve the problem. What made me happiest was the feeling of having done the work together and that he learned, the same thing my father once did with me.
But it turns out that before I started working with my oldest son, the youngest called me because he had a plumbing problem in the bathroom at home. I explained to him that I was going to help his brother and then I would help him. The reasoning was the same. We can do it together, he learns and unnecessary expenses are reduced.
So it happened, I finished with my eldest son and then I went out with my tools to my youngest son's house, on the other side of town, although it is within walking distance. We started and finished after a lot of hard work. As a result, the problem was solved and he learned.
Finishing everything, around 8 or 9 pm, I returned home. I was very tired, but after a bath and dinner I was ready to interact and work on the platform, but A BLACKOUT came. The mobile data towers went down and along with them my hope of working on SN, so I couldn't do anything.
I would have liked to share with the community yesterday but it wasn't possible, I used the only truly limited resource (until Bitcoin was invented) to help and teach my two children. I hope I managed to produce a good product, namely knowledge and affection in my children, after having invested all that time with and for them.