Are you able to provide an example of another species whereby individuals of that species thrive on radically different diets? I'm personally not aware of another species that demonstrates this behaviour. I believe that people on plant based diets are denying their bodies essential nutrition. Biological evidence seems to indicate that humans should prioritise the consumption of fatty red meat first, whilst consuming limited plants and honey from time to time. Any deviation from this is likely suboptimal. If you are eating a plant based diet, and appear to be thriving, then that's because our baseline is the food pyramid which includes highly processed foods and refined grains, not because of omitting red meat
Agree. There aren't other species that have wildly different OPTIMAL diets, who need completely different things (like some of the species must have plants only, and the others thrive only on meat).
I think Dr. Ken Berry has a good piece on this topic. Also that's why his youtube channel is called the Proper Human Diet. He believes (and I agree) that animal based is indeed the ONE proper human diet, though we can survive on others. He sure has some great videos.
One thing I do notice at the budget grocery stores. Most people have carts filled with trashy junk food, usually. And they look it - they're often unhealthy looking and overweight or obese, and sadly, some of them can't even walk with any kind of energy, and are limping.
But there are some where you can see - they have lots of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. And they ARE much more slender and healthy looking.
That was me, before starting carnivore. Tons of fruits and vegetables, and if you can stay fairly strict with that (basically a "whole foods" diet with no junk food), you won't be overweight, and you'll be better off than 95% of people.
However, after switching to carnivore, so many aspects of my health quickly improved so dramatically that I'm on this for good now.