James Madison warned of the tyrannical danger when legislative, executive, and judicial powers accumulate in the same hands, but that tendency toward centralized and unseparated power is most pronounced for the president, and EOs are his chief means of exercising undivided power
Paul Begala, blithely described the process and power of modern EOs as a “Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kind of cool.”
For the record, I can't stand Begala.
Why do these people (bogus executives) not read the constitution? There is a division of powers for the purpose of making sure there is no unitary executive. Mr. Prexy cannot make law, period! He just enforces law. The legislature makes the laws with his permission. I think the Supremes will shortly take away the bureaucracy’s Chevron rule making powers that were delegated to them by the legislature, thus bringing back the power to make rules and laws exclusively to the legislature. Paul Begala is a totalitarian idiot. Can you change my mind on that?
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @Cje95 9 Oct
I really need to read my Cato emails 😅
I used to be a member like 25 years ago.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 9 Oct
I don’t even think I’m a Member I just think I signed up for their stuff for a reception lol but they have solid quality stuff so I’m not mad!
"The shifting of power from the Congress to the president and the resultant shrunken liberty of Americans." My mind was telling me, "bad news bears" vibes when I was reading this article.