So I mean are you saying the SN algo is such that it’s an equivalent boost whether I zap 1 sat or 1000 sats? The amount doesn’t make a difference for something to be “hot?”
@TheWildHustle posted a song he made through the Crimson service. Was it better to zap him 100 sats directly through Crimson than through SN?
@grayruby has a goal to try to spend more sats than he stacks. Is that just a misguided goal to keep the ~Stacker_Sports circle jerk going? I guess the service he’s buying is a community he’s fostered in his territory?
Heck, even @k00b is artificially boosting SN engagement with 100,000 sats pumped into the rewards pool daily. It serves a purpose, right? It’s not for nothing?
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 8 Oct
My goal is to spend around the same as I stack. Sometimes I stack more, sometimes I spend more. I do try to cover my Stacker Sports monthly fee with rewards though but my day to day zapping I don't really care if I earn or spend more sats. SN is great but if I was optimizing for maximum sats I wouldn't spend hours a day on SN I would go out and earn as much money as I could either in Bitcoin or fiat and then convert it to Bitcoin.
I see SN as a great community and experience so ultimately my goal is two fold. Enjoy engaging with a community I like and to help spread the word about SN being a better experience than other message boards/social media and by association hopefully get more people using bitcoin for v4v.
Anyways, that's my story and I am sticking too it.
100 sats to you sir!
That’s a nice balance. Pocket the rewards, but zap back each zap you receive to keep the community engagement thriving. It’s what you love! I’m loving it too. Thank you!
boosting is something else. upvoting with 1 sat or 1000 is the same in terms of reputation and "hot". The amount of sats you zap is just your personal appreciation to the OP.
Ah I see. So the 100 sat default for new users is 100x higher than it needs to be! 😅
And what is the point of or incentive of boosting? Why is it such a high minimum of 10000 sats?
Do not confuse zapping a post with the cost of making a post. SN is about PAYING TO POST (to say something), not about how much you will earn from zaps.
Boosting is to put a post or comment on top for a certain time, so you want to make it more visible to all users, like a pinned post.
Someday, people will remember my words about "zap wisely"...
But the reason most people choose to sign up for SN isn’t because they want to pay to post, but because they want a ROI for their posts!
Is the winning strategy not to play? Just lurk higher quality content here in SN than r/Bitcoin?
should I always remind you all that sats are scarce?