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Hey Guys,
not sure this is the correct platform to ask but anyway let's ask here... I've just upgraded to 18.3 and running 18.2 on one node, so I can test both.
Of course upgraded to 18.3 on our main production site, which ... is an issue.
Seems addinvoice now adds feature 263:bolt-11-blinded-path and this seems to break compatibility with at least Binance lightning implementation.
Is there any simple way to strip that feature off the invoice? Not sure what else is different though. I've tried a few parameters but can't get 18.3 to create an invoice without that feature (also the invoice is quite a bit longer with lots of qqqqqqqq in the middle
Here's an example from 18.3 node: lnbc10u1pnsgchgpp5lrvrzv9xll3tk5p3qelxtc3wk2ujyv09q8gy9lkr9u3y0yez09xsdqj23jhxarfdemx76trv5cqzzsxqzfvsp5gvjkrtsg5v39a7yw76vh8rnvfemlfgtzxxp3amy62kwz8ftxjftq9p4gqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqysgqa8dkhl23az607xtayf50y39rt4gamzm2njpd5yccf8x5sda4k74r7cs38s7l3aafa0ncalf94dyeaqdyg9a6z6x0279pwz8u79ls7uqpgsyrvw
vs 18.2 node lnbc10u1pnsfgyupp5ae0nuvjv54unwa7y5j4xt2cjcsghdq77857ru70w7nhca80uf36sdqj23jhxarfdemx76trv5cqzzsxqyz5vqsp5sgt85u2kujg0nskwfkxyw7n2llxvg9xkkejxyhp2tkrua9hczcss9qxpqysgqujk9hrfgf3rcqhtq05drar4vzntaed0tp2lwcdadjdrcf6ehsp5q8k6vyw3thkcj7l0mctutj0n4ur5zwxw6f3x0jxv3tg7qhp6wzygpp5kmya
Config is the same ...
Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Phoenix and nice hash send to these invoices quite fine, but Binance simply says "invoice cannot be delivered". I have to create invoices on my other node for binance withdrawals.
hi there
This long string with lots of qqqqq is the feature bit :
Feature bits allow forward and backward compatibility, and follow the it's ok to be odd rule. Features appropriate for use in the 9 field are marked in BOLT 9. The field is big-endian. The least-significant bit is numbered 0, which is even, and the next most significant bit is numbered 1, which is odd.
Could be that Binance is not parsing the invoice correctly, which is probably not a LN issue itself rather than an implementation problem on Binance side.
thanks yes ... I completely understand that this appears to be a problem with Binance, but it's rather silly too, I mean, not supporting Binance is a big(ger) deal... so I wonder if we can just create legacy invoices that don't have this present (like it was in the minor -1 update before, it's kinda strange that they go from 18.2 -> 18.3 and have a change that affects the biggest exchange's ability to send to ...)
but it's rather silly too, I mean, not supporting Binance is a big(ger) deal...
It's rather silly to not implement the LN specs correctly :) But they are probably busy with the next stupid shitcoin.
Kindly ask startups with millions in funding not to break things.
Wait for lnd 18.4 it will be fixed. Meanwhile find a better exchange not that shity Binance.
is it really a bug or is the fix only to turn off the feature bit?
Is more like a fault from Binance, not a bug in LND.
No it is not fault from Binance.
Binance do not want to pay LN invoices with blinded path included. This is the truth.
because they cannot trace and do shit. gfy
sure? The feature bit seems to be in the specs
I am personally maintaining a project that has no resources whatsoever to move along with the same speed as LL with $$$. It is never the fault of somebody who does not upgrade for whatever reason, when payments fail.
there seem to be a few different implementations out there... .for instance I never got AMP invoices paid with other wallets (including binance) for instance Muun ...
It's a tight rope act to deploy a lightning service that works for most wallets / exchanges.
Muun is NOT a LN wallet. AMP is supported by CLN, LND and Eclair.
It's a tight rope act to deploy a lightning service that works for most wallets / exchanges.
is not your fault. Is their fault because do not want to adapt.
well binance is easy ... and I just happen to have funds arriving there (and we may have customers using binance to pay, too, I can't ask them to go to another exchange easily ...)
we may have customers using binance to pay
Why they do not pay directly to you in BTC? Using these stupid shitcoin casinos is making things worse. Fuck Binance.
some do, some use binance. I can't control it :-)