Most of the people work to have money and eventually become rich on assets.
But, some people prefer to be rich on time and spend their time doing whatever they enjoy the most.
If you already have a decent amount of assets, would you stop trading your time for money?
Or would you rather focus on working and generating more money to probably have a better future?
Ironically one starts to understand the value of time when one has enough money
I want enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life and the freedom to do whatever I want with my time. I continue to work because I'm not confident that what I have saved will be enough. At some point, "better" has really diminishing returns and your future won't be significantly different if you had retired a few years earlier. Those same years could be your first as a grandparent or something else that is worth more than money.
Time > money
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 7 Oct
Well said, by coincidence I recently had a similar episode with my wife! Where we exposed the following. More money requires more work and more time consumed, but in most cases more money really does not solve the root of the problem, so we choose to take a slower path, earning less but enjoying the freedom of being able to attend a school event for our daughter, soccer practice during the week, soccer games during the weekend, some organized outing, among others and mainly without having to be accountable, or ask permission from any employer to use my time. Having discovered Bitcoin in my life, and understanding it better every day, is what fills me with the most strength and hope, knowing that now I can save energy and purchasing power to keep my family safe in the future feels pretty good to me. Assuming that for the 20 years before I found and understood Bitcoin, I was just playing the FIAT game, a rigged game to keep us trapped in the rat race, just like a donkey chasing a carrot 🥕 that is tied to its back and cannot reach it when walking.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 7 Oct
Money is necessary for almost everything in life, but I think we shouldn't spend too much time trying to get it! Obviously, we have to get and earn money, but in my opinion, I prefer to do it while pursuing my ideals and desires, even if that way I earn less, but I'm freer.
Nowadays I do it, and I put my criteria into practice. My current job doesn't earn me too much money, but it allows me to manage my time as I please and pay the bills, and thanks to that I've been able to dedicate these last two years to studying about Bitcoin, money and the rest of the aspects that were ignored by me.
And it has been possible thanks to that work, which seems incredible to me, considering that if I had a regular job in some cases I could perhaps earn a little more FIAT. But here the regular employees who average a little more than the minimum wage work 10 to 12 hour days and generally in places far from their place of residence, which adds 1 or 2 additional unpaid hours to their workday and in the end they end up with a little more Fiat but in a job that demands 13 to 15 hours a day for 6 days a week, consuming all your time and energy while the productive years of your life are slipping away.
Time rich is more important to me, there is some privilege to say this because if you don't have any assets you may not be in a position to have that time.
I spent a decade in the corporate world and stumbling on bitcoin has helped us save to use our time the way we want. I'm sure many will see this differently based on their own circumstances.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 7 Oct
My wife and I were talking about this the other day. I'm starting to feel socially that we're not really connecting. Most normies that we meet have both parents working, most likely earning a lot more than us and like to splash it around a bit. So they have lots of stuff, but not much time.
We're living pretty frugally these days because we've found that it gives us more free time. Then there are the wealthy/retired people who also have lots of time, but we don't have the flashy possessions that they have like the new car/boat/caravan.
Lucky I know there are other bitcoiners out there in the world that value their time.
101 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 7 Oct
Totaly agree.
I have so many thoughts on this post :)
The first of which is that I don't think most people ever become "rich on assets" and you can't become rich on time...??? None of us know how much time we have so to say you are rich on time is a false premise...
As to the rest of this idea...I can only speak for myself, but I cannot imagine ever being in a position where I would become a consumer of all things, no matter how much "money" or "assets" or whatever I had/have.... I think that the world is full of a variety of people, some of doers and others....well....aren't. That is just the way it is...those that aren't have and will continue having less than those who are and do. Some may get lucky and figure out a way to scam others of their hard earned value...but they will slowly find themselves fading into the sunset while those that are a net benefit to the natural world, will likely find themselves wildly wealthy in both value and time measures....
Alas, this still does not mean much as you can have all the time in the world but if you don't have anyone to share it with....does it really matter?
Currently I am a seller of cell phone items. It generates me good daily profits.. and all my life I have been a salesman, I love selling!! But now that I am studying marketing.. economics and bitcoin I have been able to open my mind and realize that we can do two things, the first is to invest in a complete and multifunctional real asset like bitcoin!! And in addition to that we can create an activity or a product which works for you while you sleep.. this is in many books, I imagine that many people here have read it, so in order to use my time as I want, I think I need those two things, an asset for my future, for the future of my family, and that article, product or activity that allows me to earn money while I am sleeping, that simple...
Time is money. Works both ways.
I see them as the same thing.
If you are rich in assets, then you have the time to do whatever you want.
If you need to work for a salary, you have to be somewhere at some time.
im all about time rich and time flexibility, luckily with the power of bitcoin and some stacking, one day i might be cash and time rich
I've learnt to value time more than money. Time is the most precious asset. Money is just a tool.
I would hope I’d get to a point that I have enough and focus on time freedom but it’s hard to realise that you’ve made it
I'd stop working for money. Instead I'd work for enhancing other important aspects of life.