Yeah indeed war time spending is a spend at all cost, that political class don't want to be overthrown, as the one that losses tends to be saddled with the debt, as Germans were after WW1, so they'll always throw the currency under the bus and by extension their people to save their own hides and preserve the status quo
Many who made it out in any war were the ones who had movable wealth IE gold, the way I see it is with bitcoin, as the war time spending ramps up, individuals start to actively take those funds and push it into bitcoin, so slowing the effect of war time spending, not stopping it just theres a clear pin prick on both sides, as more people look for an exit.
I am not calling for war, but look how bitcoin has been used in Ukraine, in South America and in my own South Africa, where it's basically always war time, we just don't see it that way but the casualty rate is the same or higher than a war