A sidechain is just another cryptocurrency with more bloat to ensure that it enriches bitcoiners instead. At this point, bitcoiners are desperate to get anyone to use bitcoin that they are willing to completely abandon every feature of bitcoin besides the limited supply. Hmm, I wonder why?
Chaumian cash is custodial. Even so, If chaumian cash is implemented, this will almost completely destroy bitcoin's use-case as cash, because you can just use it without bitcoin (e.g. gold, USD, etc). I would argue that the only reason that bitcoin exists is because banks decided not to implement chaum's e-cash.
What do you mean?
No one is really using bitcoin sidechains. What "bloat"
I'm glad we have side chains available though. Having a small portion of BTC in liquid or on the lightning network now might be useful during a period of high demand in the next bull run
If there is a "next bullrun", sure I guess you can get your rent-seeking in.
My bitcoin will not be moved until the final bull run
long after monero fails