USD/BTC = $62,203
Block 864242
The new fiscal year has started for the federal government. The inflation reduction act infrastructure spending kicks in the amount of $62B.
Here is the split:
National Highway Performance Program ($30.2 billion)
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program ($14.7 billion) (Bridge and tunnel repairs)
Bridge Formula Program ($5.3 billion) (Loans for bridge replacements and repairs)
Highway Safety Improvement Program ($3.2 billion)
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program ($2.7 billion) (Meet Clean Air Act standards on roads)
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Formula Program ($1.5 billion) (Natural disaster protection)
National Highway Freight Program ($1.5 billion) (Improve freight)
Carbon Reduction Program ($1.3 billion)
National Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Formula Program ($885 million) (Install EV charging stations)
Metropolitan Planning Program ($464.9 million)
Appalachian Development Highway System Program ($246.3 million),
Railway-Highway Crossings Program ($245 million)
Among the states receiving the most total funds from all programs includes California ($5.8 billion); Texas ($5.7 billion); New York ($2.8 billion); Florida ($2.8 billion); Pennsylvania ($2.7 billion); and Illinois ($2.3 billion).
A drop in the bucket for what is really needed to fix the United States crumbling infrastructure.