For me, street photography is a kind of active meditation. I feel like I connect with the present moment through this practice and appreciate it much more. I start to notice all the things happening around me at that exact moment, and thanks to that, I manage to take photos that many would consider very ordinary. But since I see them with fresh eyes, I end up creating photos that people like.
For example, take this photo. Anyone in that situation would have simply been standing in traffic, waiting for the seconds to pass to get on with their lives. But at that moment, I was able to be aware of the sunlight illuminating through the trees so beautifully.
And so, as I take photos, I notice things that many people might overlook in their daily lives.
Something I often do is enjoy the views when I'm at the top of the city and there's a very steep street. I like how you can almost see all the way to the horizon:
I like to pay attention to people and pets:
And to things as simple as towels or bananas hanging outside a store:
Such basic things as a ladder, seen with fresh eyes, become an interesting subject to photograph:
I pay a lot of attention to people and what they do, their wanderings, and the stories they could tell us.
Here, a motorcycle taxi driver was waiting for a possible customer:
A couple on a motorcycle, but what caught my attention was that the girl was using her phone while in motion... are we so addicted to phones?
While the pedestrian looks almost frozen, the motorcycle is seen in motion:
A man shopping in what we in Venezuela know as bodegas, which are stores that sell all kinds of things, from sweets to food. Some even do photocopying and different types of services:
I took the following photo because this is a building under construction that may seem very normal to you, but it has been "under construction" for more than 30 years:
A place called Paolini Funeral Home. This place holds the bitter memory of many people, and I include myself among them, as this is where they held wake for my grandparents
I hope you enjoyed these photos and stories as much as I did!
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