
Welcome to this week’s newsletter. There are good weeks and bad weeks. There’s no way to sugar coat it. This was not a great week for the territory, although we did have some good posts. Engagement, sats, and revenue were all way down. I think we suffered a hangover form last week, when we had so many great submissions. I’m just itching to break the threshold and give out more sats, but it hasn’t happened yet. This is the first time I have exercised my right not to award sats, so there are only four top posts this week. I have a feeling next week will be different. Onward and upward!
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week’s newsletter: #702602

Top 5 Posts Of The Week

There will be a zap award for the top 5 posts weekly. It will be broken down as follows:
  1. 1000 sats (or higher if threshold is met)
  2. 250 sats (or higher if threshold is met)
  3. 250 sats (or higher if threshold is met)
  4. 250 sats (or higher if threshold is met)
  5. 250 sats (or higher if threshold is met)
Average daily territory income this week: 893 sats
Threshold: 2000
Therefore, the awards will remain the same this week.
Posts will be judged using SN zaprank. The cut off time is 9:00am EST (1300GMT) Friday morning. I will post the top 5 winners shortly after 9:00am every Friday morning.
I reserve the right to not award any sats for the week. I also reserve the right to deny sat awards to bare link posts. I recognize that link posts can be valuable, so I will only only exercise discretion for low quality links that garner few sats or engagement from stackers.

This Week’s Winners:

DarthCoin Posts

Learning Resources

The White Paper

Everyone knows about the white paper, but have you read it? Here is the pdf.

DarthCoin’s Guides

DarthCoin is a somewhat controversial figure with a manner that may take some getting used to, but I think his guides are excellent as step by step instruction. The sentence structure might be unconventional, and he may express some strong opinions, but you will learn what he has set out to teach you. Here is a link to DarthCoin’s Substack Page, where you can find all of DarthCoin’s guides:

Radentor’s Ecosystem Map

@Radentor has created a comprehensive ecosystem map. I believe he intends to keep this list updated Beginners will benefit from checking it out, as will experienced bitcoiners.

Why Bitcoin Only

Why Bitcoin Only is a massive trove of links, where you can find just about anything you’re looking for. It’s also fun to browse around.

Top Posts Of All Time

Here you will find a few of the top posts that have been posted to this territory. I am not going to adhere to a rigid zaprank system, since my purpose is to highlight content that has educational value. I will use an informal combination of zaprank and my own evaluation. For instance, some posts, though of high quality, are solely about Stacker News, and might have more appropriately originated as a meta post.
83 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 5h
Congratulations @IamSINGLE!! It was agood question at least for me. Thanks siggy. I wish you all the best for next week
Did I win this week? I made a very casual post. This week's been really very empty. No @DarthCoin post as well. I'm rather a reader so I hope we get back on track very soon. Thanks siggy for the sats!
You're welcome. Thanks for your post. It was a bright spot!
You're very modest. I think all of SN is very modest to like a very casual question. BTW, I remember I intended to start a Bitcoin beginners classroom on SN. I left the idea because I became negative about it. But I now think I should have continued.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 2h
Give it a try.
I will.
I'm sure it's an exceptional week, normally from what I see they've been reasonable. Better weeks to come!
Not bitcoin beginners per se but I want to shout out the guides @supratic is creating for SN external wallet options. Much needed and a great resource for stackers.
Absolutely, and he has spread them around appropriately through the territories. I can see them being linked together in their own part of the FAQ.
Thanks for the newsletter. I believe this week will compensate the last one. I'll at least try and make one post every week. I've a lot of questions but I always get lazy. I think this is the case with so many new Stackers here. We should try to motivate them somehow to ask questions here. We've to popularise the concept of Bitcoin beginners. What do you say?
You have a good idea. I think my comments were a little bit of an overreaction. I'm not too worried. The general trend is that the territory, like SN in general, has been getting much better posts. I really think the influx of new stackers over the past few months has dramatically increased the proportion of posts with good content.
There's no need to lose hope; let's see the silver lining. Sometimes, setbacks are just setups for comebacks. I must say, I found this week's top posts inspiring.
I'm glad to hear it. I won't lose hope. Thanks for your encouragement.
Think about how little action the entirety of SN had back in 2021. @k00b would've been doing backflips if the entire site had the activity that your territory had during this "bad week".
You're building something cool. Keep your head up.
You're right. I need to zoom out and stop focusing on day to day and week to week.
This Newsletter is great. SN is really awesome.