Maybe we have a different definition as to what weaponizing the legal system means.
But when a politician's whole self-proclaimed goal is to put conservative judges in power at the expense of other ones, using whatever dirty politician tricks possible, it does sound like politics is interfering with the criminal justice system. Maybe not directly by being judge or atterney general, but by putting the people in power that are.
Anyhow, I'm not sure why I initially interfered in this thread. I usually try to avoid politics discussions here on SN. Too polarizing. I got carried away after a political discussion with my wife an hour earlier.
There are more interesting things to discuss here on SN.
Nothing personal :)
appointing judges is not weaponizing the legal system, it's part of the political process
your definition is incorrect
"to put conservative judges in power at the expense of other ones"
the other ones are radical left wing judges who are trying to dismantle the constitution and replace it with judicial activism
why do you assume liberal judges are better than conservative?
I do not assume liberal judges are better. They all function within their strong mental biases. Both left and right have good and bad judges within their internal value system.
Ok, thanks for clarifying your definition.
I prefer systems where judges are selected based on merit rather than political affiliation. Lifetime Supreme Court appointments are dangerous too. If it has to be decided by politics, a balance between the main political factions in a country is probably a safe bet, too.
Just to clarify, I am neither liberal nor conservative, at least based on US definitions. I was just responding to the claim that only one side is rotten.
Left and right are very much the same in the US, from my point of view. Both are there to support the military-industrial complex and the minor but symbolic aspects in which they differ are just there to keep the common people busy fighting amongst themselves.
Merit should always trump other attributes. FYI conservative judges are generally more qualified than liberal judges because of affirmative action. Based on LSAT scores and law school grades, diversity mandated judges are less meritorious.
All federal judges are confirmed for life in USA. Supreme Court, circuit judges, district judges
I would counter that left and right folks have different views of human nature, a different world view that causes a confilict of visions